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A member registered Dec 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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I'm glad they did, I might try making a custom level or two at some point

Cool, I'm looking forward to seeing what people do!

Is there anything to do with modding this game yet?
I really want to see what modders do with this game, with how great celeste mods are.

fair point

Yeah, I know that works but wine does not run well on my computer

I wish it worked for Linux

me who has too many stars for game to give it to me

S tier is fun gameplay and can damage anyone!!!1!1!!!!1

Oh no I had a similar idea lol

After all of the judging is done, would I be allowed to update the game, or make a post-jam update that is linked to on the page? 

I know web is broken, fixing after jam.

Thanks! I tried to keep it close to a 4-color pallete for each tile to make it less distracting.

Thanks! I'm thinking of making a post-jam update with more levels, an easy mode, etc.

Odd, I don't get the needed files from the download...


tried linux, then windows

This was a pretty cool game, the premise was unique.

Downloads do not have the required files to run the game, just the executable.

Got random game over?

UHM, I thought this was a "get through level, then get the bear" not fail then get the bear. Very unexpected.

Could not get it to work, sounded fun though!

This game was very chaotic. Loved playing as the door.

Can't download?

I loved this! Found the puzzles interesting and the story was cool. Are there multiple endings by any chance?

Tried both controlls. Idk whats wrong

This is pretty good! Very hard, the darn wizards killed me.

Idk why but I can't play the game? the controlls are not working


Great game, I like how you protect the little people just so you can eat them later!

Great game! The removal and placing of blocks was a bit janky, and I somehow managed to, when skipping loading, make the critic spawn at where I was, but otherwise it was a really cool game, and awesome idea! I loved the story about how the pc could not handle the game.

and I based the level design around the base falling speed

ik, just can't untill after jam

will be after jam

Thanks! It was inspired by how Princess Peach works in Super Mario Bros 2 but more

I'll keep that in mind!

Great game! Kept starving to death but it was cool finding out what to do.