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A member registered Jan 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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I added some.

(1 edit)

I made a video analysis of the rules of chess in the context of coding, so I had this crappy base for a chess engine.

it's easy to beat, and the difficulty scales up to a medium level, it's deceptively easy to lose against in the higher difficulties, and the highest one is only for patient people with speedy computers as it's extremely unoptimized(include a few warnings about the time it takes per move).

all-in-all it's a lightweight easy chess game, a version with graphics might come in the future but that is all I have currently.

you can reuse any and all of the back-end functionality you want "Any templates, plug-ins and/or pre-builds will not count in the originality department" meaning that code used for handling in-game stats, physics or base AI would not really affect your score anyway because no one gives "originality points" for making a ball bounce or an enemy to walk in a straight line towards a target while avoiding obstacles.

but the front end: sprites, game mechanics, story, and so on - should be made during the jam or lose originality points.

might DQ if there is a massive abuse of that rule, but in most cases using sprites from the asset store or copying the plot of a book shouldn't be that bad as long as you give credit and take the point loss.

I wish that Jam hosts would acknowledge this fact a bit more.

what is the difference between copy-paste and using a premade library?

reusing code is pretty much a must in most cases.

you will not see anyone here starting to write their own libraries and engines for a game jam(ok maybe 2-3 crazy people will write a library).

but it all depends on what "code" you want to reuse.

regarding "You may not post any links when commenting and you may not post a comment for the sake of self-promotion."
my game engine requires players to have VCredist and DirectX installed on their computer(a directX based game Engine).

I had issues before of players not having those things and saying the game doesn't work even when I link them in the download instructions and game description and explain this specifically.

is it ok to link those sites on comments?(as this is not self promotion, a link to Microsoft's VCRedist and a link to the latest DirectX downloads)

AFAIK comments are enabled... but memes are on me being a stupid person predate this site.

(1 edit)

I put this game together in the last 9 days of the jam(while working on some IRL contract job), I simply had no time to add an actual tutorial to the game, I will be working on it, but not in the next couple of days.

additionally, I scaled up the resolution in the last second so some things had been screwed up in the process.

the controls were written in the customization screen with everything else(how to use the modules were described for each module's selection) and I forgot to set the color of the player to something static but it's distinct to the player by having a higher Red value than every other unit.

the random color is because that every type of enemy used to have a distinct color and the player was a variation of that color based on the module selection, I scrapped this idea after I added the module indicators when introducing the Adaptive units.

the camera is focused on the player, all it takes to notice that is to move a bit away from the edge because the camera will not go off screen to center on it(this way it's easier to see the threats when you are stuck on the edge).

now after scaling up the resolution I can add some way to show how each module looks on the unit in the customization screen, and setting the Player's color will be easy after I decide which color.

also, I was planning to add custom key bindings in the next update anyway.

don't worry, I got gud.

the arrow is pointing relative to the boat instead of the viewing direction, and is a bit confusing to look at with no edges(which way is forward...) I would Either put it on the minimap as a 2D arrow(I'm making exclusively 2D content... cause I suck at 3D) or make it change relatively to the viewing direction.

in both cases it should have an easy way to differentiate forward from backward.

A genuine Bullet-Hell, fun.

I don't know what to say anymore. a great game, awesome music.

the controls are a bit hard(you fall off if you climb on top of the ladder and there are some awkward jumps) but most of the time the answer for those would be to tell me to "git gud" so GG.

Wow, an amazing game.

the mouse viewing is a bit finicky, but the Spacebar reset was a nice save.

some elements I didn't get, like the arrow at the top, but looks like a lot of effort was put here.

Would've been an Awesome game if the screen-shake was a bit more gentle.

a great game otherwise.

(2 edits)

you are apparently missing the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable"

the game was made in visual studio so the VC++ redist are required to open the game

from the installation guide: "if there are issues with missing DLLs it's due to missing the Visual C redist or DirectX, hopefully shouldn't happen in most computers."

I am starting out here in and I'm looking for feedback,

I will attempt to make out(to my ability) any request directed at me(withing reason - I am new to this)
I made some text based things but due to lack of interest from the person I used as QA the development froze.

so - here is a barebone platform game I'm currently working on. no enemies or anything but there are obstacles, the game uses a tiles system to load the maps and can load a map of up to 4kb for now. there is a view centering on the player if the map reach outside the window's bounds and a default map is loaded in the case of an error.

I really hope someone will like this.