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A member registered Mar 07, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hello! I'm joining late, but if there are any teams of 2+ people with a nice idea currently looking for help, I'm available!

I have skills in game designing, programming and know my ways around software like Photoshop and Corel Draw. My final paper's theme is about AI, so that's an area I have some skills in, too. If you're looking for help, hit me up!

Discord: Didigaosilva#4886

(1 edit)

Hello! I am interested in becoming a game designer. I have participated and finished a game jam by myself in the past, but I am looking to build a portfolio, so I'm interested in working in a larger team so I can make a better quality product this time around!

I have game design skills, as well as programming skills. I'm currently learning Artificial Intelligence (my final paper's theme is on voice conversion specifically), so I have some skills in that regard too. For this game jam, I don't have a particular game idea I want to work on, so I'm willing to join a team with their own ideas already. Of course, I'll be sure to give my own input if I think it will contribute to the team!

My discord is: Didogaosilva#4886. 

I'll also check this topic from time to time! I'm especially interested in teams that already have 2+ members, so if that's the case for you, feel free to contact me!

EDIT: Oh, it's probably relevant that my current job is as a Graphic Designer. So I'm used to working with software tools like Corel Draw and Photoshop. If any artists need some backup with their work, I'll probably be able to provide!

Hey there. Thanks for the reply! I just finished it.

It was really cute! You certainly managed to deliver the right feelings with the last scenes. Congratulations :)

I did feel the relation to the theme was a bit forced though. I didn't quite feel that way during the playthrough, but during the final scene (where Summer talks about fresh starts after... you know what), it seemed... Harsh? Like moving on too quickly I guess. Maybe a time skip could fix it.

Anyways, like I said, this is a very good entry. I had fun while playing. Thanks for submitting :)

It'll not advance to the next screen. I've played it 4 times in a row, choosing different answers every time, and I'm still stuck at the first guardian. I first thought it was because I was supposed to play it multiple times (you know, with the whole going back in time and all), but it doesn't seem do be the case.


I played this several times, but only managed to get to the second and third ending :(, so no happy endings for me.

Overall, I liked it. The character's art is very gorgeous and unique. The CG doesn't really blend well ith it, but it isn't too bad either. The major problem was the music. Sometimes it was very... anticlimatic. Also, the transitions were very abrupt. Visually, it was ok, but there were times when the music simply stopped, and in which some fade out would've helped.

All in all, it was great! If I could get a spoil on how to get the first (and the last, I presume?) ending, I'd like to check it out. Congrats for the entry and good luck!

I can't seem to get past the time spirit :|

Hello Zaxtor!

I`m really, really glad you enjoyed it! I made sure to watch the whole livestream. I gotta say I was really embarassed the whole time. Truth to be told, this was developed in only two weeks. I joined the Tyrano Jam a little bit too late and things got rushed from that point on. You are absolutely right about some things you said during the livestream. You guessed that the story was actually written in a different language, and that`s true. I wrote all of it in my native language (portuguese) before translating it to english. The writing process took me abou a whole week, and I had to rush the translation in only two days. As a result, there were a lot of missing words, bad phrasing and english mistakes I did not have time to correct.

There were a lot of things your stream taught me! The first was to take my time if I`m going to write something in another language. Even then, it will probably be better if I ask a native speaker to help me correct some mistakes next time. My english is, like you said, far from perfect, after all.

It`s also very fruitful to watch someone play something you made. You can see where you got things right, and where it could`ve been better. There are a lot of things I`d like to do differently if I had the time to. Well, guess I`ll just have to work harder on my next project. I hope you`ll look foward to it!

Thank you so much =)

Thanks! Glad you liked it. :)