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A member registered May 13, 2023 · View creator page →

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Glad you liked it. 

Yeah I kind of programmed the asteroids because I get side-tracked by vaguely interesting problems, and then realised I didn't have much to do with them, I did consider making it into a mining game also. If I were to expand the game I'd probably use the same code for ablative armour panels on certain enemy types, or for doors in a megastructure dungeon of some kind, etc.

The cutscene is a result of me discovering tweens about 2 weeks before demoday, and there's a ton of signals going on for spawning the ship etc, there is an option to skip the intro in the settings but not during the cutscene itself

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. And I much appreciated the stream too

Nice. I think it'd benefit from more warthunderlike mouse controls or controller support if it doesn't have that already. Is this enginedeved? Using floating origin? The view distance is concerning for an aircraft game as if you gain a modest amount of altitude your view is quickly restricted to a disc of terrain below you before range-based fog obscures everything. The walking mode at the beginning also doesn't seem necessary for the stage this is at. But all in all its a nice prototype

Thanks for playing. The repulsor is tuned so that you can only reliably hit the enemy when closing distance, which is meant to discourage kiting an entire fleet of enemies around the map and instead being a bit more aggressive. But I didn't put too much thought into balance, it is meant to be challenging since it's a very short level.

The pixeljitter issue I've noticed too, and is one reason the star background doesn't move because if it does it's the pixels become very obvious, I will investigate solutions, thanks for the link

Very neat, not much gameplay but I know you've been enginedeving this so I'm sure it'll come together.

Did encounter this weird ground texture in the altar(?) room, not sure if intentional, also some wind particles stuck in the wall.

Ah ok, I didn't even realise that was an input

Thanks glad you liked it.  And the projectile thing was one of those little details that I probably would have forgot about if you hadn't asked for it

Thanks for the feedback. I put up a new version with fullscreen so hopefully that helps with the stuttering. It might be an issue with Godot not having physics interpolation, but it doesn't happen on my machine so its hard to debug.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing and giving reasonable criticisms. I've never encountered the crackling audio but I've heard it's an issue with Godot that should be fixed so maybe I need to upgrade

Getting filtered by the menu and can't start a game

The first one. The corners of blocks and the protagonist are both round, but both have square hitboxes, it made me misjudge the simplest jumps. The acceleration also makes it feel pretty mushy

This is really cool, great effects and destruction, reminds me of desert strike somewhat

I did have some trouble reading what was going on since the colours all blend in. It would really benefit from some icon overlays for enemies and yourself, or just different colours for the mechs even if its just army green

Awesome, thanks for playing

You can set the cutscene to skip in the settings, but not currently while it's playing... and I meant to add menu pause but completely forgot

Neat puzzles. Though the level with the 3 pulleys seems possible to get into an unwinnable state, I'm not sure if you can unwind the pulleys, I could only hit them to lower them

I got filtered.

Very nice, lots of potential.

  1. Holding right-mouse to aim the whole time seems like it might need some thought since I'd say you spend more time wanting to look around and aiming than you would wanting a forward-locked camera. 
  2. Probably a good idea to consider controller support if it doesn't already have it because this could be good on console, might be hard to get right with the manual aiming though.
  3. Aerial controls would be nice since there are ramps, it'd be nice to be able to magically tilt your car so you land on your wheels.
  4. I have no idea what the pickups were doing

Just tried playing but I have no idea what the controls are, how to cut trees, dig or attack. Can you give a quick summary of the controls

Damn. I removed the fps limit because the whole screen started stuttering for me, but only when I had my screen recording software open, which is weird. Also made it fullscreen, maybe that'll help? Thanks anyway

I can't reproduce the jitter reliably on my machine. Someone in the thread said it might be a Godot problem where the physics step is out of sync with the idle step and that Godot 4.3 will fix this... In the meantime I've uploaded a new build which caps at 60fps, if you could let me know if that solves the issue that'd be great.

Glad you liked the destruction physics. I'll see if I can do anything about the jitter


I hadn't seen this jitter before, but if I agro the entire map it starts happening for me too, so must be performance issues. I'll see if I can do anything about it.

(1 edit)

I played the first level twice, got swarmed by a hoard of skellys.

First impressions, feedback and suggestions:

I couldn't use the spell wheel at all, my keyboard doesn't have function keys and trying to click on the icon with the mouse while something's rushing towards you felt clunky.

It's kind of annoying that the projectiles you fire are so slow, as enemies can walk out of the way, and you can't lead them because you have to click the enemy to fire at them.

Items that you can pick up could always have the outline effect applied, they're easy to miss and walls can obscure things easily.

Enemies that you have line of sight to could have their outline on if they're obscured by a wall, currently they only have it if your mouse is over them. You can be in the same room as an enemy and not see them because you're not close enough to a wall to make it fade out.

Moving, interacting with objects and attacking an enemy are all left mouse actions, so if there are enemies clustered in a doorway and you're trying to shoot at them, if you click on the open door your character will start walking towards it to interact instead of shooting at the enemies. I'd suggest either having another interact control or not making the player walk to a distant object to activate it, only activate if they're in range.

Walls fading out can make it hard to distinguish where the boundaries of rooms are because the floor texture continues uninterrupted underneath. I'd suggest having a shadeless black object at the bottom of each wall piece which isn't affected by the transparency shader, then where the player can walk should be much clearer.

It'd be nice to access the keybind menu during a game session. I wanted to check the controls again after starting and I couldn't. Also rebinding would be good to have.

All in all, impressive, very nice.

I liked the part where you blow apart the cubes.

Yeah from the looks of it, it's detecting the left and right throttles as axis inputs. It must have ignored them for most of my playthrough but then there was an input jitter or something and it picked the hotas up, since it wasn't an issue until level 5 or so.

It's not a big deal and I don't think it's something you have to worry about. I encounter this problem with various games that have controller support, though Noita had a specific option to disable gamepad input altogether so it'd be nice to have but again not a priority especially at this stage in development.

I liked the part where you poke toads. Good game.

Though at certain points my fairy started walking to the bottom right. I have a HOTAS plugged in so maybe the game was detecting the input from that. Strange that it didn't detect it from the very beginning if so.

Nice art style but movement feels slow and clunky which might just not be my preference. The mechanic where you shoot upwards and drill down mostly gets triggered unintentionally because all the enemies are above me and I'm just trying to shoot at them. Might be worth having a separate action button for certain things like that.

Good start. I appreciate procgen. Not sure about getting swept away by fast current in the middle of the river. The rest of the gameplay seems sort of turn-based, as in things only move when you move, but when in a river everything's moving and you sort of have to just click and hope you get to the banks again. Seems like a bit of a disconnect there.

Hope to see more.