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the final project game was good I like the fact that you give the players the choice to play which levels they want is nice. I like the idea of your game of the boat in the ocean. Things that could be improved are the main menu UI. Another thing is maybe turning down the waves it was a little hard to navigate a bit and maybe changing some of the level design.

One Life game I like how you made the levels design and how you made the enemy bullets track the player down pretty well. The thing that could be improved is the animation for the player when walking left or right still has the same animation player I think changing that would help a lot. Another is when the player touches the wall even a little the character model flips over. I do like the fact that you did a top-down game defiantly different to see.

the final stand that I liked about was the horror theme and the level design was done well. The enemy animation and how they were running was done well like how you how sound effects for the player gun and reload. I think what could add more to the player's expertise is maybe if you added a cursor for aim so the player could see where they were shooting. Maybe have an attack animation for the enemies for more feedback but other than good job.

The bits of Bullets game were cool and unique concepts. What I liked was the real animation for the weapon was done nicely another thing that you did well on was the zone captured and how was your objective for the levels was good. What could be improved one thing was when you did or tried and restart the button did not work to replay the level. Lastly, I think if you added some effects that the player was damaged would be nice to add to the player feedback for the game. Other than that solid job on the game.

The rocket racket game was very interesting to play. I also enjoyed how the player had to navigate through the obstacles to proceed forward in the game. Things that could be improved are the UI is a little bit plain and could add some art background or something. The level's design for the walls is all the same colors maybe changed so that it is different in each of the levels so there not all have the same looking. Other than the game ran pretty smoothly and with the player's movements nice job