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A member registered May 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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Very clever idea behind this game and implemented pretty well. I feel that you could have made it more clear about how you can use your ghost to help you on the first level. Great audio and visuals and overall very polished. Well done on an excellent entry!

This is the winner of the game jam for me. I loved the visual hand-drawn style. The hindsight idea is also very clever and actually shows that hindsight doesn't always help you! The gameplay feels complete. Of course it is lacking menus and other things but, this is a game jam and what you accomplished in the given time is excellent. Seriously, well done!

I'm not sure that I understood what was going on in the game however, I LOVE the visual style! I am interested to know if you made the graphics yourself and what engine you used to render the game. 

A solid platformer with good level design. Of course with some more time you could have done some set dressing and the game would look a lot more appealing. Another idea would be powerups and enemies. I enjoyed the game though and the controls were great.

This game is so hard, I think fewer enemies on screen would have helped as it becomes overwhelming. With that said, you achieved an incredible amount in such a short space of time with this game. Even included your own level editor - how? Well done, you are very skilled.

Clever idea to have the hidden traps in this game. It gave a nice twist to the platformer genre. I'm sure that you learnt a lot about working with the Unreal Engine. Great job!

Is it just me or is this game hilarious? Clearly a lot of work went into the voice-over and the dialogue. A fun time was had.

Fantastic game, highly polished and a lot of content for the time allocated for the jam. Really enjoyed this and the thought which you put into the design of the puzzles - Excellent!

I am impressed with what you managed to accomplish in the time allowed especially since this was only your second game ever. The gameplay loop fit well with the jam theme and the controls were great - very responsive. Well done!

I had no idea what I was doing. It's fun to paint though and I enjoyed the sound effects and music.

This game had a lot of work put into it and I commend the devs for that. A well-rounded experience overall but, either I am just really bad and give up too quickly or the game is too difficult. Still had fun though! Good job.

This game was really well done and made me feel nervous and tense as I tried to escape the room and beat the countdown! It fit the theme of the jam perfectly. Personally, I would have liked the option of a hint because after a few tries the game became frustrating. Overall very impressive, well done!

I agree with you, getting the difficulty balance right was too hard in the time-frame allowed. I am just pleased I managed to submit something.

There was a part of the map to the south with a door which I could not open. I assumed that you needed a key to be found in the chest located to the east of the map however, the chest would not open either?

You have achieved a lot to create so much content in such a short amount of time all while learning the Godot Engine. This game could be really fun if the combat was improved and with a bit more set dressing for the levels. Also, it is essential that you have some indication of what the controls are for the player and perhaps some story which can motivate you. I could not get the chest to open and so I could not get the silver key to open the silver door. I think that you probably ran out of time during development, but overall I am impressed with what you have achieved. Well done!

Cool vertical frog platformer! I enjoyed playing it and I finished all 3 levels? The controls were very sensitive and is probably the area which needs the most work since this is a platformer. It made completing the levels challenging. I am sure that you learnt a lot about Unity while making this game, it's very well done for the tight time-frame we had. Good job!

I am sure that you learnt a lot about Godot when making this game. You have a good game loop and I am sure that if you had more time you would have included a HUD and a win condition for the player. The starfield background was very disconcerting to me, but I get what you were going for with brighter stars closer to the player and dimmer ones further away - it just made me feel a little motion sick. Great work!

You got a lot of work done in the limited time for this jam! I liked the idea of going on a food run in a zombie apocalypse, even if it was just milk and skeletons! The combat was difficult, I think that the animation speed was too slow. Also when I saw that the skeletons were going to spawn infinitely - I stopped playing. Overall, good job!

This game is incredible for a 48 hour jam. I appreciated the effort which went into putting all of this together. The game was fun, very entertaining and I found moments when I was laughing out loud or scared and running for my life. I feel that the wrestlers are too fast, once they spot you it is very difficult to escape from them. I found the clocks but couldn't find the rabbit and I needed the speed boost badly.

I really enjoyed this game and it goes to show how simple concepts can be the most fun. The game is very re-playable too because you want to get as close a match as possible and so you will try again and again. I think that you should play a more satisfying sound effect when you match individual squares more closely, this is great feedback for the player and will increase engagement. Well done, this is really good!

My mediocre French is not good enough to appreciate the story behind this game. However, I found it to be dialog heavy and the gameplay was slow. This meant I was not very engaged and I felt that the game needed more interactivity.

I enjoyed this take on flappy bird. The controls were actually quite sensitive which was good given how difficult the level is. I'm not co-ordinated or patient enough to keep trying but this level of difficulty and frustration will please a lot of players. Great game.

Cute game, with a lot of potential!

I have updated the description to include the controls now. There is an elevator which you can take on the right to different areas.

This is a fantastic game, could easily be made into a full fledged game after the jam. Well done, really really excellent.

This games look really clever, too clever for me I'm afraid as I couldn't figure out how to play!

This was an interesting game and it was fun to explore the world which you had created. I didn't quite follow the storyline and wasn't sure why I was answering riddles. I would have liked a way to speed up dialogue. Still, this is impressive work and I enjoyed it - well done.

Very satisfying sounds when you knock something down as the ghost - even a little unsettling. The music suited the game well. It's a bit scary being the angel of death flying through the city at night stealing souls. This is a great start to a game and could certainly be developed further.

I loved the mechanic of being able to increase/decrease the power of the frog's jump. Also, the art-style was really impressive. Dialog needed a way to be sped up as I was waiting for the next bit often. Great work!

This was a really fun little game and matched the theme perfectly. I would have included a countdown and required the player to collect a certain number of loops, maybe even start dropping more loops or increasing their fall speed. Overall, a great jam game - well done!