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A member registered Feb 21, 2018 · View creator page →

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Definitely made the best of this short and very weird indie title! IS it bad that I actually got scared by the doors....

This is a special time that only comes around very few in a Youtuber's life, and I am glad that I did have a blast of a time playing it, even if it was only a good 3 minute long video!

First off! Hats off to you Mr. Crow! This was a strangely good horror game that actually scared me really bad! I had a blast playing it for my fans

(1 edit)

How do I put this...I screamed like a little girl, and I taunted the monster with my ass. Seems like a 10/10 game so far in my books!

I will say! This was short but sweet, and I was not expecting the murderer to track where you were at on the map. However I found that you can exploit him by just going around the hotel and just doing the objectives by itself so he wasn't that scary unless you went inside his running range or figuring that out by yourself. Though I will say it was worth making a video on the game regardless!

As it will be said...I loved the little "Oh Yeah Mr. Krabs" sound you added. Fucking thing actually scared me while I was playing the game. I definitely loved it, even had that black ops zombies 1 feel which I do enjoy! I do wished you added one thing. Like a hash slinging slasher kill counter! 

Let me state...And everyone here probably agree's...90% of people got confused about the controls here. Besides the fact that I couldn't even get to the end because I kept falling front and back. Other than that! Yeah this is a game I would play again just for the building aspect alone! Lovely!~

Here you go! How do I put this lightly...That transforming killer annoyed the ever-loving hell out of me. No joke it took me like idk...2 days to make this video. Not because of the editing, but just due to the fact that I'm not a bright cookie apparently! Still a great halloween indie title! 

Seriously. I screamed so badly that my recording in a part actually got corrupt'd. Me and my big baby emotions! Anyway! I do enjoy the atmosphere of the whole game! Definitely a selling point of this indie game! Plus that little detail with VHS, and how you can remove it if you don't like it. I gave it a try, but the optimization was bad so I decided against it when I came across the killer.

Gosh! I had to replay this game again! I noticed my name is on the front for Youtubers! NICE! But you may want to look...You put my name twice...Not saying that it's bad of course! I wished you kept the intro where Viktor talked before going back into the pitch blackness though.  Definitely still a great game! It was awesome to see how much it's gotten big!

Stating before I say anything else about this game....I legit lost my voice when I played this one. Definitely didn't yell like 5 million times in this one. Although I did enjoy this title! And the voice actor actually sounded like the who does the voices from We Happy Few! Definitely a game to play!

Dave...You never seem to run out of idea's for these games! I do wish you make a hard version of this. Maybe they run faster around the map, or maybe Smitty can come out of the grave when you do his or something. I would love that! Thanks for the quality content! 

Fun little game! Especially when you don't think it's hard. You will soon realize that being calm is the key. Definitely I didn't do that in my play through however! Although its a damn good game if you are bored! 


What do I say about this game? I did love the whole silent hill/resident evil vibe you had going for this specific horror indie title! It really brings together something special! But even for a demo I wish I had more of the story. Besides the whole why did I come here in the first place in the game. As well as pacing was a massive concern, yet I'm pretty sure you got a bit of comments from that aspect of the game! Although it was a good small demo, it took me 2 hours to figure out what the hell I was doing until the zombies started to drop statues. Even adding the hitboxes were a tad bit weird at times with headshots. Overall, I did enjoy it even though I had a cow in the video!

Second game on the games I played in this video! However! I loved the comedic style you had going here! Especially when it came to the sound effects. I loved to hear each one played out in the game. It kinda had weird vibes on me, but I did enjoy gathering the 6 bottles.

Now! I didn't get the chance to play the original which was sad, I must go back and play the original of it as well! However for what it's worth, it is definitely a game to play regardless! Dave standard of perfection, nothing less!

As a 72 hour game, this is pretty enjoyable! I love the simple idea, and it flowed well for how much time you put into this! But god those birds man! 

My GOD DOGGING GOSH! (Yes...I did say that) I will say this was a great game! The rage aspect of the game was wonderful to play, even though I raged at Bob 24/7 in my video. Plus there was 3 different people to go through after you finish one of them! That was a nice touch as well for an indie title!

This was a great platformer! Especially when it comes to the idea of it. 

Definitely a highlight of my day...God I love butt smashing into buttons.

Oh...Karen...Oh. You are such the savage in the game. I gotta say, you did very well on this short game! I thought it was going to be another dating simulator type, but then I got slapped at every step and the background changes! The attention to detail was great through my gameplay.

Ah...Well. Let's see! I screamed like a little baby, check. I commented about the loud "intense" music, check...Oh! And I also got jumpscared like 10 times in this video, Check! It was a great one. 

It was...I was questioning myself as I was playing this game, and it wasn't really bad. The writing was good and also the music wasn't some crappy stock song (in my opinion). If you want to check out my reaction! It's in the 2nd part of the video I made here.

Took a look at this game...Decided to make a pointless 3 minute part of this game on a 3 free game video...Shocked someone kept their game app. opened for soooo long! Well! If you want to check it out. I put mine in part 3 of the video here!

So! I decided to take a look at this little game. I actually got annoyed by the knife. Not going to lie...But other than that It's a game that if you want to waste a few minutes on. Try it out!

I loved it! It was a challenge for sure! Maggie Simpson was sure a challenge to actually take on! The first time you go against her you get confused soooo much! I do recommend it for anyone that actually wants to play a nice challenging horror game!

Oh god the books were annoying. I swear in all that is holy...I replayed it a few times because of the bug with Sam's phone, and every time the books got me.

Instant 10/10 for me. Definitely reminds me of goat simulator! As well as replay value added on. The customization was probably the selling point, which was hilarious!

I truly hate mannequins, even ones that walk or even run at you to actually kill you. I didn't realize there was shooting....let's say I got very spooped.

I remembered all the way back when you did 3am at the krusty krab. You really out did yourself with this piece of work! Congrats! 

Don't worry! I got it on steam!

I honestly thought this is a challenging game, and I also went and bought the steam version as well! Definitely worth playing this!