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A member registered Jun 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you! Yes, apologies, AutoFire was not implemented. I should probably have just left it off the menu, but forgot to remove it.

I really like your take on the theme! A revolution revolution, brilliant :-)

Love the artstyle! Controls are a bit difficult, but that could just be me!

Thank you. I was considering a different control mechanic, where you would press in the direction you want to up in, for example, pressing UP on keypad and you would rotate (via shortest path) to the top, but this one is the first one I got working, so it stuck :-)

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. I might work on it some more depending on other responsibilities.

Thank you! Agree, more enemy types was on the todo list, but I kinda ran out of steam :-(

Hahah, thank you Oskar! And.. shooting while holding the space bar was going to be the "Autofire" upgrade that I didn't get to!

Interesting mechanic and I like the graphical theme. I've yet to make it to boss I see in the screenshot, but I'm going to try again :-)

Thank you very  much for the feedback! I agree completely. The UI needs work, and I was planning on adding some more interesting enemies, movements and bosses, but didn't get the time to do it unfortunately. Maybe next time :-)