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Thank you for your honest feedback. I’m a game developer who still lacks a lot. I understand your complaints about my game. If you think experimental games are unsatisfactory with the gameplay, I won’t be making experimental games anymore. If you want specific feedback on my game or criticism of me, please contact my mail.
The uploaded games will be uploaded for storage purposes.
I’ve created a new game.
The goal of the game is a simple game to get to Busan Station by train. But you arrive at Busan Station with a low probability.
have fun! https://cyberapex.itch.io/new-osong
I made a game where you have to make a loud noise.
Please show us a lot of interest.
Hold The Noise is a very noisy game when you press the [SPACE] key, but you hear beautiful noises. If you want to hear beautiful noise or get a high score from it, don’t take off the [SPACE] key. It’s definitely going to be an exciting time. Please refer to the page for more information! https://cyberapex.itch.io/hold-the-noise

it is possible to proceed with sequels or personal projects that have been on hold or suspended.
This project is a teleport mechanism FPS game called AssauIIt.
AssauIIt is the sequel to Assau!t (2021), which I released in February 2021,
and I was very disappointed in the completeness and mechanics of the game.
After that, I made a sequel with the intention of re-creating Assau!t, and while enjoying my previous VR games,
I was inspired by the teleport movement in VR games, resulting in my current work.
I'm worried about whether I'll be able to complete this project, but I'm posting this with the desire to complete it.
Thanks for reading.