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A member registered May 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks. I may do something to make it better, since everyone says its pretty hard.

Hey, nice game. I like how to graphics are simple, but are still looking good.

Thanks :D I have to admit, its a bit hard when you first play it.

Thanks. It wasn't meant to be that hard at the beginning, but now I quite like it.

Hey, I haven't thought much about the camera actaully. Thanks mate :)

This is awesome. Especially the visual style :3

Cool game. I could play this for a long time :D And I love the player animation.

This was totally different than I expected. And it is sooo cool. Probably my favourite rn. I have to complete it later :D

I really like this, just if I was able to rotate the camera somehow

Thats a really cool idea. But I have to admit, the last level was tough :D

Yes, my favourite is the dev ending :D

Yeah, I agree with the camera. Otherwise its pretty fun.

This is awesome. I just wasn't able to get other endings for the first time, because I got a bug where I couldn't spam the gun. But after that, great. Best game from this Game Jam in my opinion.

Thx :D