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Coravex Studios

A member registered Feb 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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I just need 3 more! and ill be happy!

give mine a try if you want!

I just need 3 more!

I love music and the game was great! however, I wish there were some actual sound effects! keep it up!

I love the underwater atmosphere. the controls are alright but some touches here and there would make it great. the game is pretty calm too! keep it up!

The game was very fun and the movement felt good. however i wish there was perhaps an indicator to show where the bombs are dropping? but other than that, it was a good game with cool graphics and smooth movements

if you have 20 ratings, don't worry! because I do too... so let's do a rate for a rate! I think you know how this works. You rate my game and I'll do the same for yours! and we can help each other be eligible to win! Thanks!

I didn’t put this in the game but once you complete a level, it takes you to the menu but there is still more! Just click play again and it will take you to the other levels. Sorry if that wasn’t entirely clear! That is my fault.

yeah music always happens to bite me in the rear end every jam. You just need to now the right tools for it really. Search up some easy software for music, I personally used Ecrett for mine, fast and simple. And the portal games are the best!

Hey! Thank you for the feedback! the one where the befriended NPCs go to the spawn position of the player was something that I couldn't fix in time. but. when you said they wanted to pay respects to their dead idol. that gave me an idea. instead of spawning the player back to the spawn point, it would spawn a gravestone on where he once stood and the followers can stand there paying respects. thank you for giving me that idea! if you saw my reply under N3cro0oDev's comment, I said that I was planning on adding a police mechanic etc. although what you said about the police staying around is a good idea I might make some changes to it such as having idle police in the map normally (for the player to know there is the police). but at the start, you would need to kill let's say 2 to get the police, and every time you die doing something bad, you would only need to kill one to get the police. I imagine it is a little hard so it may or may not work. but ill try!

thank you for playing my game and thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback! I do plan on fixing the game later (no promises, however). 

The whole AI needs to be fixed up really. as when they are wandering, they often walk through each other and don't avoid one another. I did plan on having a lot more things such as a police mechanic and panicked NPCs. another thing that was annoying but didn't know to fix was the NPC movement. I'm not sure if you've heard of A* Pathfinding but it saved my project as the NPC roam about. the only problem that isn't too problematic is that the NPCs don't go up and down? sure they go passed objects by going under or over them but they don't go walking up and down the map normally (if that makes sense).

 another important feature I was going to add was a money system. you weren't meant to have the SMG and Grenade launcher at the start,  when you gave someone flowers or kill someone, they would give or drop money for you to pick up and go to one of the vending machines and buy guns there (sounds silly I know but I think it fits). but I didn't have time for the money mechanic and I wanted to have those guns to use.

  I like the idea of the different endings... maybe if you are a pacifist you get better flowers or upgrades and if you are postal, you get this and that, and so on.

the respawning was yet another thing that I wanted to fix but didn't have time for. I was going to make it so it looked like your soul was being sucked into another NPC at a random location on the map but the deadline was creeping up on me so I had to do something.

I plan on making a post to address these issues and hopefully, make an update for the game and maybe even a WebGL build for it so you don't need to download it. so if you liked the game, you can stick around and see what I do with the project in the future.


Thank you for the reply! I did want to make a spherical map using shaders but i didn't do it for some reason but i think that may be the best way to go (of course i dont want to tell you what to do obviously). i cant wait to see the fixes and maybe more content later if you do it!

Very fun game! I liked the flying and swinging around. maybe you could make the Pins more noticeable? maybe something like a glow around them or something. I liked reading the posters and papers in the bulletin! Sometimes I hook onto something way above and I go flying up, which is funny not going to lie. the collisions of the pins can be a lifesaver or a game-ending thing. when you land on the pin you can sit there for a while and think about where to go. but like I said earlier when you flying. you can hit a pin and be launched down! but that's part of the challenge I'm guessing. but it was very fun and challenging! 

This game reminded me a lot of the game that I made for this jam! I like how you added a story to give a reason and motivation to play the game! the art was very good and the weapons felt good to use (albeit a bit slow to recharge). I liked seeing the other characters I could play such as the wizard etc. The only problem is that there's no audio but I'm guessing you didn't have time to do that, and that's okay! but a very fun game! 

Its very fun trying to control the little spore and land him in the right spots. i kinda wish there was some camera control? even just a camera controlled by the camera keys that rotates around would be fine but its not too bad. the animations and movement felt fluent and responsive. maybe when you go behind something like a cliff, you can make it so you can see the spore through the mountain? but overall pretty good! keep it up! play my game if you feel like it!

A nice spin on the classic Chrome dinosaur game! it was a bit confusing at the start but its pretty easy to get used it, maybe if you could make the movement smoother it would look nicer? because when i played he was kinda jittering about. but it doesnt break the game or anything. overall its a pretty good game! check out mine if you want!

This game had me audibly saying "NO!" and "COME ON!" because every time the dandelion went flying. it always landed in the wrong spots. of course, this isn't the game's fault. this is mine for being uncoordinated. but seriously this game was really fun! I could be playing it for hours if I didn't rage quit haha. but the art was good and the wind was fun to play with! nice job! check out mine if you like!

Im not usually a fan of racing games but this one was really fun! the contols felt a tiny bit floaty but i think that makes it better! it feels more satisfying doing a perfect turn you couldnt do last round, just for you to verse yourself next round and fail that corner XD. although thats not the games fault, thats just my smooth brain. the graphics were simple but so good! the bloom adds some depth. i really like this game! i hope you work more on it later! check out mine if you like!

This was actually really fun to play. good job! i really like the art, it feels like your style. The little details such as more birds showing up when you finish a level and how the armour upgrade is out of order. brings charm. i like it! this could be just me, but the 1080 x 1920 size makes it look like a mobile game. and theres nothing wrong with that! if you plan on making this a mobile game i say do it!i think it will be quite popular! But this game was really fun! nice job! you can check out mine as well if you like!

very fun game! i like how the world curves alot like in games like subway surfers for example. maybe if you work on it later you could make the world more rounder instead of being a kind of poly circle if that makes sense. maybe if there was a way to skip the cutscene at the start (sorry if there is) because watching it when i die over and over gets a little annoying. but over all its very good! check out mine if you like!

This game is very nice! I like the controls, they weren't too floaty and were snappy, my feedback is if you liked doing this jam and you thinking of doing it next time. do it! I can tell you have a passion for game development. I can tell that this is one of your first games and that's completely fine! making a game in a week can be challenging! I did find some bugs. the Player can partially go through walls and the gun is way too powerful. it's also hard to see which side you're on. maybe make it so you can see the player.  the game is very good and I can tell you love it!
heres my game! ill play yours now!

Hi! for the mountain part. I don't use Use Unity 3D, however, if you haven't already, try...

Set the Interpolation on both player and mountains. (if possible)

set the collision detection on the player to Continuous. 

If you have a ground check, set it higher or lower

As I said, i don't use Unity 3D or the Terrain Tool (I'm guessing you're using that). so these may or may not help. but since I don't know what your project is set out. I cant give that much help, sorry if you've already tried this


The game is good. my only problem is that the camera is directly behind the player so i cant see. and like what the other person said. i no clip through the mountains. although. it had a funny liitle dance of the character at the start :)

It's hard to say what this game is. I would say bizarre but I feel like that's an understatement. I like the cool animation of the elephant at the start and the UI is... yeah... I like the crude poorly done art style. it's very unique, my only problem with the game is there's no direction. you don't know where to go. in the first level, I thought that the blue orb was my goal but it was the rock at the top, out of view. it's just poorly done. As I said I can hardly explain this game. but I hope this helps.

Sounds good! heres my game!

the game was good. the movements felt too slow and I couldnt get enough momentum to reach the next vine. maybe later after the jam you can soften out the edges and make it feel better. the games are still good. just needs a little more work

Fun game! I like the pixel art. i found the second level a bit confusing without hints or help but once i got passed it, it was fine. nice music too!

I really like this games artstyle! the robots were pretty cute and simple too! my only problem is maybe for the guns, you could have some being the clicking ones. but some others be hold down to shoot? but other than that, It was very fun!

Hey! Thanks for the feedback! I guess you could say the end goal is what you make it? Do whatever you want! The AI was something i was aware of but couldn't fix it in time. However, this is my first time hearing about the loud death sound effect. maybe your system was too loud? But thank you for the feedback!

Very Fun Game! I hope you expand on it someday!


Check out mine!

Sounds about right :D

I'll definently stay tuned dont you worry :)

Good game! this reminds me alot of the Portal games. if you had more time. i could see this game having sounds and maybe even voice acting? but nice job! if you like you can play my game!

Very stressful management game. i felt my hair getting grey by the second. i like the artstyle, it feels like your own. and the music is a bit too loud but thats an easy fix. Its a very good fit for this theme keep it up!

Its very hard to explain this game. its very bizzare. in a good way. this game is very interesting and i wish there could be more! as im writing this. it feels like the page is slowly going up and im scared. anyway. nice spin on the theme! good job!

I like how you made some story into the game, a reason to keep playing. nice job! i wish something told you what to do or how the enemies work but thats probably just me. i like the artstyle too. nice job!

This game was very fun to play! the rope holding onto you felt good and collecting the ropes and falling 10 meters just to be bungee held by it so so satisfying! im not sure why, but i feel like this game could be made into a mobile game? the pit is vertical so it would fit on a phone nicely,  and theres only one button press so yeah. maybe? my only problem is that they fell just a little bit too slow? and maybe add some variations of the drops, maybe like a bomb or etc as well as the bone. but very fun game!

For a game made in 72 HOURS, this game is really fun! I like how you mashed 3D and pixel art together! what adds the cherry to this cake? is the holy cow. honestly, I don't think there's anything wrong with the game. maybe the orbs when you kill a person could add health to the shrine (if it does, maybe a bit more?). but other than that. this is very good! better than anything I could make!