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Kuba Skurzyński

A member registered Jun 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hi Rafa - currently we don't have enough time to sit and try to squeeze the file, but we hear you, hopefully soon we will find a way to upload something smaller than 100MB :)

In the "demo" section, below Community Copies :)

Hi! Stripe, which we are using to manage the orders, doesn't send any mail automatically, but I see your order on the list, so I can confirm it :) Later today we will send you a link to pdf as well. Thanks for your support!

Hi JW, yes - you can go through link above to store (we are shipping worldwide from Poland) to buy directly from us, or - if you're from UK or US and want to save some $ on shipping - check stores where BCG is available (Exalted Funeral in US, Iglootree, Lost Pages & Lost Bay Studio in UK) 

Hej, tak ;)

Hi DDD! Thanks for praises, it's really great to see this game still bring some good vibes to people :)

Answering your question - to get 1 on rolling 2d6 you have to visit the mountain village (after getting the 12), after which you subtract 1 from every further roll.

Hi David! I really enjoyed playing Dark Fort, kind of Mork Borg predecessor, so I didn't want to re-invent the wheel and just took a working engine to build my own version of "wilderness-crawling" solo game! ;)

Thanks Camilla, I must admit reading a comment like yours was something I needed today! <3 I'm really glad you've enjoyed our book! :)

Hi, sorry it took so long, but here I am! Beyond Corny Groń wasn't written with solo plays in mind, so I cannot guarantee anything, but it should work pretty well as solo-gaming oracle. It can also give more (I mean - a lot more) flavour and context to "original" solo game's setting.

Thanks! :) I'm really glad the book is doing what it meant to do, so we delivered our own intention!

Yup, I was waiting with update post to get player's guide as well, but main file is the same as on DTRPG :)

Pięknie, widzę, że podręcznik i wajb działa absolutnie zgodnie z intencją :) Polskie nazwy biesów nie potrzebują tłumaczenia, tzn. wymyślałem je po polsku, i dopiero potem tłumaczyłem na angielski, więc to polskie wersja są domyślne ;) Mogę Ci podać nazwy dla tych, które Cię interesują, bo wrzucanie całej listy może się mijać z celem :D

Hej, przepraszam za poślizg z odpowiedzią, ale już śpieszę - generalnie intencja jest taka, że spotkania losowe powinny być sprawdzane zawsze gdy postacie wchodzą do lokacji, nawet w przypadku poprzednio odwiedzonego miejsca. Ja tak robię kiedy prowadzę, chyba, że np. od poprzedniej wizyty minęło za mało czasu żeby coś się mogło zmienić :).

Dzięki za miłe słowa i cieszę się, że narzędzia śmigają zgodnie z założeniami i się podoba :)

Wow, thanks! I'm really glad you are enjoying all things that meant to be enjoyable in this book - bestiary, map-generation procedure, ease of use for sessions with zero/low prep or playing solo etc. So cool!

And yes, connecting factions is intentionally left for "reader" discretion, since I didn't want to sketch the setting too much. In principle, however, almost every faction can potentially compete with every other faction (with the possible exception of Commonality and Krakogród Academy, which don't have too much collision points).

Thanks! I cannot wait for your thoughts after reading the whole thing :D

Hello folks!

So, third edition of #3po3 has started. I thought it's a good time to share your ideas for adventure / modules with other participants. Or maybe you want to bounce your ideas off someone, consult something, or just brag about how cool you are going to make. If you need any help with editing, layout or anything - this also may be good place to ask.

As a conversation starter - I, for one, would like to use the jam as motivation to finally write down one of several ideas for a module for Corny Groń - a fortress inspired by Orava Castle, or something with a Wawel Dragon. 

Mam nadzieję, że raczej wrzesień ;)

PDF będzie na pewno, fizyczna wersja prawdopodobnie też. PDF raczej prędzej niż później, fizyczna - trudno powiedzieć.

I can't wait to see all those maps that will be created using the tables from BCG <3

...and I am looking forward to know how was your first adventure in Karpaki!

I'm really touched that you like BCG so much, especially considering that you point out as an advantage exactly what this supplement was supposed to do. I'm glad everything went according to plan, thanks!

Dzięki za feedback teluch (teluchu?), i za pochwałę <3

Remember to post your map after all will be done - either good or bad way ;)

Wow, thanks! I am very glad that you liked the game and that it's cool not only cause of the illustrations :)

As for this "micro" case, in addition to instinctively belittling myself (a terrible habit), it was influenced by the fact that the Dark Fort, from which Corny Groń "grown", is so named by the author. But yes, after some time I also think that there is nothing micro in this game :) Thanks!

Szanse na niewydanie kolejnego numeru wynoszą w tym momencie jakieś 5% ;)

Can I submit a PWYW game?

- the potion gives you free 5 points after advancement - remember that you win the game after getting all 6 advancements, so you get one step further into winning with some point to collect the next advancement; normally you have spent all your points, a minimum of 15, to advance, so after the level up you don't have any points, unless you got the special potion
- each turn consume 1 usage of protection ward if you decide to use it (you don't have to - like, you can use ward on round 1 after getting hit by the enemy, don't use it on round 2 when it misses and so on, just like fire glyph
