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A member registered Apr 20, 2019 · View creator page →

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Okay now I get it. I started clicking inside the pop ups instead of just the tiny "X" and that made me last a little longer. Also those pop up pups saved my bacon.

Great story, great multi-ending, great concept for a short and sweet game.

The gameplay isn't for me as my heart races a little too quickly and my clicking finger beings to hurt. But holy moly I love the sounds, the polish, and the jokes.

Do pups ever come into the game? Or am I just not a l33t gam3r y0 and couldn't make it far enough in?

Very impressed at the level of quality on this game.

Very difficult for me but I still had fun trying to make it farther than I did the time before.

Thank you.

Hello Wild Jam folks,

I love commenting and voting on other submission. But because another member rightfully submitted our game it is not associating my account with a game submission and I cannot rate other games.

Let me know what information you need. I'm apart of the "What the Truck" submission submitted by Zach-Meadows.

Have a great Sunday and talk to you soon.

900 Pts.

Lots of potential, enjoyed the base mechanics and the music!

Laughed 5 times.

Got fired and loved the concept of this game.

Loved the exploding tumbleweeds and the story oh so much!

Great art,  and idea. Could not figure out how to win. My wife was watching me play and we were befuddled.

I enjoyed the upgrades and thought the super fast asteroids were scary. 

Game was easy until I think around wave 20 something, a guy just comes in and is indestructable?

Found out I could place towers ontop of enemies?

Great foundation. 

Tutorial was phenominal. I at first tried treating it like a proper job but then had fun laughing at the idea of sending back seniors who died of old age. Everyone got  a green stamp going forward.

Great dialog, art, and idea. 

I think I won the game?

I was trying to stay alive as long as I could. Collecting hearts and candles, then I thought "Oh I'm a ghost!" and flew up forever. Listened to a what seemed like a long song and then heard a fun trombone?

Anyways, loved the art and that there were descriptions during collisions.

I liked the litte guy and had a fun time completing the game. 

Loved the main menu, the music, and the animations. Very cute and well put together rhyming story.

Truly blown away at how tight and perfect this Game Jam submission is.

So much fun and really great idea.

Hey oh! First time using unity particle and found it's a quick way to add some fun pizaz to something simple.

I thought it was clever but lost confidence towards the end of the Game Jam.

Thank you for playing my game, it means a lot. 

Game jams are helping me understand project scope and time management.

I really wanted to add more but couldn't make it happen in time.

Thank you for playing!

Thank you for loving my pig thing creation. This made my night.

I too somehow won. But I don't think it was due to my detective skills.

I loved the potato but sadly I don't think the controls worked for me. Cool general info I even got out a piece of paper and pen only to find I couldn't get more info than that first screen.

At some point I couldn't find any enemies to kill. But I love homemade art, liked the karma idea instead of just a number, and like the walk bob animation.

Really liked the concept and the different faction ideas. Did not know the arrow on the right did what it did until I got stuck in a loop of options.

I hope you don't abandon this or you take this idea and implement it into something larger.

I got stuck by the purple duck on the level where there's also 5/7 construction ducks.

Was having a good time and was slightly sad by the bug. Maybe there was a way out but I couldn't find it.

Loved the art, enjoyed the levels, good game.

Woah, what a great concept!

Had fun being silly and serious.

I am a sucker for anything maze related. Had fun trying to get used to the inverted camera and zoomin' around.

Found the object and got the goal complete screen.  Good job on the first jam!

Game made me feel anxious, which art can make you feel feelings; which this one succeeded.

The sounds and music definitely added to that along with having to keep your little pencil line 'alive', I also enjoyed the story. Great job.

Fantastic art and smooth animations. I enjoyed running around and never felt cheated by the game mechanics. Fun game!

Had fun buying the bed and scavenging for cupcakes, hearts, and coins.

Also great pixel art style, I like the simplistic colors.

Thank you! That was the same input my partner had and I wish I could have added a 'slow' break back button.

Thank you!

Yeah, I definitely thought I would have more time to complete this but hey I had a lot of fun trying to even make it work at the end.

Thanks for your comment and I'm happy some joy came from shooting asteroids :)

This is my household's favorite submission. We love the cute lady bug, the puzzles were fun to figure out, and the pixel art & music was pleasing.

Plus we were able to beat the game!

Tried to beat the 136 Highscore and only made it to 98 after about 5 rounds.

Very clean, and fun.

Made it to day 4, great controls, and I had fun vacuuming up the little dust bits.

I wanted to keep going but I was afraid I would make it to day 30 and it would just keep going. If there was a highscore or a timer I would have been hooked.