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A member registered Feb 16, 2017 · View creator page →

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This is quite nice, controls are very responsive. I forgot to "transform" so I died very easily. But when I get used to use the "transform", it get more fun. Blasting enemies is very satisfying. 

Infinite wall jump

Yeah, You are right. I'm following people on Twitter, there are really good games. I cannot wait for submissions.

I think,I will choose the second one too. When I read your comment, I get my mistake about first one. I didn't do right shading next to his front arm. So he really looks like he is leaning back.

1x4 is ledge grap sprite. Maybe I can add some animation to that state or some walking on wall or sliding animation :D

Thanks a lot for your detailed  comment. :)

I like its UI. Workspace Logic is work perfectly for me. But I think there isn't too much changes. 

I just update my Game Maker 1 to 2. I will use it to test, what is different and what is not :D

:) i wanna try to make a game like towerfall ascension, but I'm not sure that I can make a pathfinder for enemy. So I can make just a platformer like Wonder Boy, Dragon's Trap

Thanks! :)

(3 edits)

Hi, I will try to make a game for Rōshigumi 

I will update devlog in here and with my twitter. Here is my first mock-up.

Here is my sprite sheet for Ronin.

And Three Variations of Ronin

Here is the gameplay video. Movements, Ledge Grap, Attack, Jump Attack, Stomp Attack, last but not least Cutting GRASSSSSS :D

Updates... 2 Enemy Type; Patroller and Thrower, Grass Cutting. Next: Third Enemy and a Boss Fight

Thanks a lot, I could not finish it beacuse of my works :( But I will finish it. I really like Löve2d :D