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A member registered Apr 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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Sorry! I meant it’s frustrating. Specifically, the turning is really slow, which makes it hard to aim for a fish that I want to get. I’d say I had less than 50% success turning around fast enough. At the same time, because it’s so frustrating, I felt instilled with a need to not let the game “win”, so I pressed on for quite some time despite my lack of success.

It’s a very pretty game! The scale for a game jam of this size is impressive. I got the one clue from the song puzzle and then beat the card game puzzle. From the one clue I figured out that cryptic icons correspond to icons shown on the dial in the intro. I’m guessing there’s ways to find other clues, but the only other thing I saw was a “darkness” cutscene. I’m also impressed you used a no-code engine, it seems to be a good fit for the kind of content you folks are making.

The controls feel really good! The mechanics are pretty simple but make sense from a narrative perspective.

I couldn’t get past the gate. It seems like you put a lot of work into the mechanics, even in the couple of levels it seemed there was a lot of clever implications. I discovered I could throw the potion on myself, though I didn’t find a use for that. I’m guessing it is used later on.

I hate this game and yet I have a strange affinity for it.

I appreciate the feedback! (Glad you like Finn, too!) There’s definitely room for improvement there; are you thinking rotation should only happen for one axis (x-axis or y-axis) at a time?

The art style is really fun!

I like the simple design. It was a bit hard to keep track of how all the pieces needed to fit together, but each level felt intentional. I also liked the win animation.

I love the story! I couldn’t help filling in the details with my imagination, and I think the voice acting was a big part of that. The levels are a bit empty, but I think I can see the vision.

I love the cute art style!

I won while the lose screen is in my face. I was not expecting the blood zoom level. It’s a nice touch, though it didn’t seem to have gameplay implications beyond the initial use.