When I post my mods they work on my computer playing the version of Conquest that I post in the header. Most of the mods you mention are not part of SfCArics. The Conquest Tweaks mod Dungeon Expansion doesn't currently work (which I mention on the Conquest Tweaks Restored page). The issues you describe sounds like you are using outdated mods and/or mods that are no longer supported and are no longer compatible with the current version of Conquest. I haven't had a chance yet to look at 10.3 but SfCArics, SfCRevamped an Conquest Tweaks Restored (with the exception of Dungeon Expansion) where working as of Conquest 10.2c.
Also, I can't do anything with a post like this. I have no idea what mods you are using or what the actual errors are. I write/update these mods in my free time which I don't really have right now. I don't have time to hunt for generic 'borked' errors.
Recent community posts
Thanks for the update on Descriptions. Mine don't even work (I get vanilla descriptions) so I've been working on that issue. I was piggybacking Descriptions on Conquest Tweaks Skill Descriptions which seems to have an issue.
Progress bars aren't broken, that's the new way the vanilla game displays task progress.
There is a pinned post in the General Discussion https://itch.io/t/2436951/discord
Conquest Tweaks - Restored is an update for the Conquest Tweaks mod by zeltop to keep the some of the modules working with the current version of Strive for Conquest.
Game Version: 0.10.2b
Mod Version: V4.6.2f
Download: Conqust Tweaks
To install:
- Download Mod: ConqustTweaks
- Extract/unzip conqust_tweaks_v(X.X.X).zip
- Windows:
- Copy and paste ConqustTweaks folder into %appdata%/Roaming/Strive for Power 2/mods folder
- Linux:
- Copy and paste ConqustTweaks folder into ~/.local/share/Strive for Power 2/mods
How to disable modules:
The modules in ConqustTweaks are all stand alone. If you don't like one of the modules you can just delete the folder for that module in the mods/ConqustTweaks folder.
Conquest Tweaks Modules included
- tw_add_family
- tw_alchemy_expansion
- tw_dungeon_expansion (not currently working)
- tw_kennels
- tw_more_family_relations
- tw_oldschool_stat_caps
- tw_service_approx
- tw_slu
First, you can not normally install and uninstall mods without starting a new game. On discord someone who was also using a Mac was having issues with revamp_locations, revamp_jobs and revamp_date_and_preg. Revamp Locations and Revamp Dates and Preg can be installed and uninstalled without starting a new game. Revamp Jobs adds new traits to the game and is not safe to install/uninstall. The bad news is that I don't have a Mac so I can not troubleshoot Mac only issues. If someone who does use a Mac figures out what the issue is I would be happy to make those changes. Sorry I can't be more help.
v0.2.4 for Conquest v0.8.5a - Still needs a little work. Positions is 100%. Races needs new Icons and some paperdoll work but is otherwise finished. New Traits module adds Perfect Traits for new character creation. Body Parts is not working as intended, however it does not give errors and sets up the framework for save compatibility later.