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A member registered Jul 18, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks, there are 2 worlds, each with 50 levels.

(2 edits)

Hey, Thanks for the comment, I'd recommend checking out the post-jam version, as we changed some things to make it feel less floaty and more precise, though it's still very much a WIP.  We would like to add a lot more moves to give more combo potential, i.e. different attacks when pressing up and down and using an attack and each combo with it's own set of animations, but it wasn't really feasible to do that during the game jam period . Also, we're thinking about making picking up an upgrade require a button press so you have more of a decision in getting the movesets you want.

At some point I'll try to add bots or at least a training mode to the post jam version so that it could be tried out single player

(2 edits)

Hey, visit the game page for how to play and if you want to play a more stable version of this, check out the post-jam version here:

Great game! I played all the way through it. The puzzles were challenging and the mechanics were very clever.

Very trippy and fun!

I keep getting stuck on the walls, and there seem to be some audio issues. Aside from that, fun little game and fits the theme well.

I like the gameplay a lot, it's clever. It's kind of hard to read the font, and the tutorial is a little confusing. Overall good game!