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Chloe Mitsu

A member registered Apr 02, 2015 · View creator page →

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Aww, shame it ended before it really got started but very cool start! Especially for being finished in just a weekend

Yeah, it would have been better if could have done live commentary over the video but unfortunately I'm having a health issue after the Jam that makes it difficult to talk :c But I should try to in the future, if it doesn't hurt as much later in the week.

As for feedback, I didn't give any because I couldn't think of anything to critique. :) I have seen this type of mechanic before, but I thought your game executed it brilliantly. There was no bugs, the visual design was great and was the perfect length. The game was intuitive and your tutorial told me everything I needed to know.

If I was do push myself for something, it would be that if it was any longer, I'd probably have wanted something more. Like a new mechanic on top that would synergise well with the light/dark mechanic to keep me engaged.

But I think it was the perfect length for what was there, so I really don't have any complaints :)

Sorry, that's probably not what you want to hear :/

If I have time after I've played a bunch more games, I'll play your game again and try to be really critical xD

Very cute ^^

I had trouble lauching the game from the itch app. 

Let me know if I'm doing something wrong? 

Hard. Really hard. Probably unintentionally so?

It's the fact the camera is quite zoomed in and the Zombies also aggro to you quite quickly and once they do, it's a snowball effect that end very quickly in your death. 

Also, the target photo covers part of the map, which is a little annoying. 

Otherwise, I liked it :) Nice job ^^

(1 edit)

I like it. It's a nice and simple idea. :)

If I was to give a criticism, it would be that the enemies can walk over the power button, which meant I was using it when I didn't want to.

Didn't open :c 

I loved it! 

Very short though, took me around 2 minutes to complete. 

If I was to add one thing, maybe a charge bar or so tyoe of indication with the hold jump? It was a little confusing when I was jumping towards the finish line if I was falling or gaining height. 

Excellent job though ^^

Would launch and I don't have Game Maker to open up the project files, so I unfortunately couldn't play it :c

Wouldn't open :c

Yeah, the orignal idea was a sort of puzzle-dungeon like Zelda but what if your only weapon, a bow, only had one arrow. 
So, then I thought instead of picking up the arrow every time, what if you had a rope/chain attach to it to pull it back out of enemies. 
And then I thought, what if you used that idea/mechanic as a utility item and to solve puzzles/hit switches, move around the room, etc

And then it became this, a platformer:)
Mainly because I didn't have the time to model and program enemies. xD

I admit, I strayed  a bit from my original theme idea but I still had a blast making it.

Actually amazing! 

Beautiful, well designed and a cool mechanic

Hey, this was cool! I can't complain about the mechanic since it was similar to mine xD 

Not that I would, this was really well done! Especially the sound design :)

I liked it! 

Card/matching mechanic is interesting! :)

I do wish that the cards went back to the same spot after you played them or had a hotkey number

Had a high score of 83, which I thought was pretty good ^^

Cool idea! :)

Would have loved to see it fleshed out a bit more though

Interesting game!

Took me awhile to get it but I enjoyed the poem :)

Fun game ^^

Reminds me a lot of the flash games I played in school 

I spent half an hour just trying to beat my highscore of 30 xD


I liked the art style as well

Got stuck at this bit for awhile but I eventually figured it out

Fun, but hard! 

I got stuck on the last level for 10 minutes xD

I really liked how you tried to show the designed path with the coins/golden nuggets 

Cool idea! 

I wish there was more too it than just the one short circuit but I still played it with a smile :)

I hope you enjoyed ^^

Bug: Can open ALL locked doors after picking up one key

So, here are my pre-theme, self-imposed restrictions;

  • I'll be using Unreal engine 4 (Just because that's the engine I'm most familiar with)
  • I'll using (were I can) Blender 2.8 for all my asset creation
  • And I'd like to create a "couch co-op" game that I can play with my housemates

Obviously, the theme is king in Game Jams but since I'm creating some art assets ahead of time, I need an established style. 
I think I'm going to go for a fantasy-ish style like Zelda. Maybe GBA Four Swords era type stuff? 
A fixed camera would also be a good idea since it fits well with a one screen co-op game and it means I can "cut corners" on some of the 3D models as I know they're only going to be viewed from one side.

Bow & Rope community · Created a new topic Development blog

This is my submission to the the GMTK Game jam. I'm creating my project page a little early because I want to experiment with Blender for this game jam.

Obviously any code and design has to be done during thte jam (and I don't know the theme yet so starting would be silly anyway) but I'm going to make some basic assets to learn how the Blender to Unreal pipeline works and use this as a little dev-blog as I go. 

I may also create the project ahead of time too just to get my folders and controllers set up before hand.

Feel free to download and leave your feedback. :)

I probably won't do much more work on this project as this was just a bit of a warm-up exercise and I'm not really expecting any downloads.

But if anyone does end up downloading the game and has some feedback I'll probably end up coming back to fix your issues/make your suggestions. 

-Chris :)