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A member registered Feb 19, 2018 · View creator page →

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I mean, are you on windows, on your phone, on a MacBook?

Thank you so much, your words mean so much, I'm glad you appreciated this game!!

Aaah, thanks for the kind words, I'm glad the game touched you! And on what platform are you playing?

I mean, I had to shout you out haha!

And thanks a lot, it still feels surreal! It has changed my summer plans, as I'm preparing for it, but you gotta reap what you saw. And I don't know if I'm VN royalty haha, as I really see me as a "basic dev", but that's really nice of you to say, thank you! And thank you for sharing your opinion for Happy :) so far!

Hi! Thank you so much, I'm so happy you appreciated Peter and the art! It was indeed made with a lot of love (well, like a lot of my games, but this love rarely leads me to the sweet side, so I'm glad I could reach it here!). Thanks for the kind words, really!

Aaah, I agree with you, labels do help defining ourselves, but ultimately, they shouldn't be a replacement of our own experience, or a cage to lock ourselves in! I just hope you manage to thrive in relationships in which you feel comfortable! Thanks again for sharing your opinion, I really appreciate it a lot!

Thank you so much!

thank YOU for the feedback 🙏🙏🙏

Hey Esbi, thanks for commenting, I'm glad you find the story interesting! It's honestly a wild ride loool

Hi! Thank you so much for these kind words! As an ace person, I really wanted to write a story about my own experience and vision of love, and I thought questioning the whole "true love kiss" thing, which, well, is partly metaphorical for for sexual intercourse, but also quite litteral, as some people (like me actually) do not want to kiss. And as mundane as it is, it raises a question: can I love? This game is my answer to it!

I'm happy you connected with the story, thanks a lot for giving feedback, it always means the world!

the triumph of homosexuality and of communism

Hi Flor, thanks for the feedback! Yes, Vanessa did an amazing job as Andromache, and I gotta agree, her dilemma is SO SAD AND TRAGIC dfvfsdfg and somehow, I think it makes her selfless resolution very powerful! Thanks for playing!


Aaah, thanks a lot, I'm glad you appreciated the game! Thanks for the feedback!!

LMAOOOO my dream project's first inspiration literally is The Phantom of the Opera, OF COURSE MUSICALS COUNT! And I'm happy you enjoyed the comment, thanks for this great game!!

Oh, this was a beautiful game, the kind of stories that leaves you speechless, contemplating your thoughts and your humanity.

There is only one certitude in life: death. So it's admittedly a complicated topic to explore, and the game does so masterfully. Following Berny's thought process, fears and hopes was very touching. It made me think: if I were to die, what would I wish for the people I hold dear? To thrive, to move on, and to find happiness, of course: to know I loved them to the last second, and wih them all the best; and if I wouldn't want to be erased from their memories, I wouldn't want either to be their ghost. The game articulated all these thoughts better than I ever could.

I have to say I adored the art direction, be it the presentation with the GUI or the gorgeous watercolour CG.

This was a beautiful game! Thanks for making it!

It was a very cute game!

First of all, I really loved the art (sprite and background), the GUI (it really was BEAUTIFUL!!) and also THE MUSIC TRACK chosen, it gave everything a retro/old-school vibe which was really pleasing!

The story itself is quite wholesome and light-hearted. I appreciated the many puns spread throughout (I sincerely lost it at  "it's a pain in the neck"), and the conclusion was quite adorable, which is honestly quite unusual for vampire stories (the "eternal vs mortal lovers" trope is usually very tragic, so seeing MC's final comments about it were very cute!).

Congrats to the studio for this game!

Wow, I've been wanting to play a VN exploring those moral dilemmas, and I'm glad this one did and so well! While the first question is the only one serious, since the rest of them are either completely absurd or horrifying (Eve's reaction if we choose to save the passengers on the boat was BRUTAL, but reflects alas too many despicable views, but I'm making it political dfdfg). The puppy climax was absolutely excellent!

On a technical standpoint, I found the GUI very well done, it did reminded me of these governmental sites which haven't been updated since 2003, and Eve was very well designed as a mascot. The game respected perfectly the restrictions of O2A2, and yet managed to do it in such a clever way!! Congrats on the team for this great game!!

Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I tried to play the game but, for some reason, when I launch it, the (gorgeous) music track plays, but nothing else appears (no main menu, no interface, no picture, nothing...). I did try to take a look at the rpy files with an rpa extractor, and I think that might be because of the screens.rpy file which is surprisingly empty (but perhaps the extractor just failed to extract it well), if maybe it can help the investigation of the bug?

Oh, this was quite a wholesome game! I played the full version and had fun exploring the different endings that were offered! Overall, I liked bantering with Virgil, and yet getting to know him, and to get all the pieces of lore the game had to offer! (I'm legit curious now about the whole cupid workplace, and also, they need more labour rights oh my god)

The art was positively gorgeous, be it the GUI, the sprite, the background and also, I need to note it, THE COLOURS! Amazing, chef's kiss, beautiful, iconic, daring, ambitious- more seriously, it was all very pop, very bright and it helped making the game a 100% wholesome experience (well, beside redacted).

The VA too was GREAT! Very fitting for Virgil, and the acting matched really well the tone of the game!

Congrats to the whole team for making this (especially since I think you joined O2A2 quite late? So quite an achievement!!)

Oh my, it was a very intense game!

First of all, I ADORE the artistic direction! The GUI is GORGEOUS, the background too, and the overall reddish, blood-like tone matched the game very well. And yet, yet, we have this stranger, all in blue, like an anomaly, not realising he's entering a space which isn't his.

The story was very dramatic, and yet straight to the point: so rather than surprise, the main quality here is the execution, and I have to say it was done masterfully. The horror felt gradual as we saw the stranger entangling himself more and more in the painter's room, reproaching him for things that will eventually doom him. It felt like the etymological tragedy: the goat's chant, the animal being put on a show of which everyone but it knows the fatal issue.

The voice acting too was very great, and goodness, the sound design, both the use of the flipping page sound effect and the music, was stellar! Finally, the implementation of the point-and-click portion was a very good introduction to the story and to let us know the fatality of this story (just like how at the start of Greek tragedies, a god would go on stage to predict the whole plot).

Congrats to the whole team on a very great piece!

Oh my, this story is so heartbreaking and I connected so much with it!

First of all, I do write theatre plays, and tragedies in particular lol, so I could totally relate to Ziri in being interested in them! But the story of Ziri is really devastating, and the fact she had to abandon her own dreams to only experience it partly, and to become a laughingstock in the eyes of many, as if her not reaching her dream was something laughable... Of course, at first, I didn't have the cruelty to pick one of the two options but... then the plot twist caught me and the final conclusion to the game really solidified the message. It was sad, but so sincere and touching.

The voice actor did an amazing job painting her sorrow, the longing, the despair, it all felt very authentic, and it helped making the game very immersive and atmospheric!

On a technical standpoint, I really loved the art, which was GORGEOUS (Ziri's expressions were beautifully drawn, the backround was gorgeous), the GUI was stunning, and goodness, the music track was GRANDIOSE!! 

Congrats to all the team, it was a very poignant story!

Okay, this was such an amazing game!!

First of all, just like last year, I have to say I am in love with the art direction! Using old works of art in a whole new context is very creative! It really helped the game feel atmospheric, especially with the gorgeous music and the amazing voice acting! The writing contributed to the atmosphere!

And for the story itself, I do love the context, how mysterious it is, I loved being able to be more or less wary and suspicious, and to create my own relationship with Her as I progressed in the game. And seeing the Priestess (by the way, amazing choice for the artwork, because, despite the character drawn clearly being from the 20s, I still thought she was indeed very priestess-like) struggle too, devoted to a deserted cult, in an equally deserted temple also added to the metaphor!

Congrats on making this game, your O2A2 entries always are a treat!!

Honestly, I don't know what to say, the game has moved me so much. First of all, I have to salute the GUI, it was very atmospheric, and the music was a huge contribution to it, and added so much! Then, the vulnerability of Momo really touched me, and the game painted his remorse and his self-exploration so masterfully, it really touched me a lot! Also, needless to say that I loved the art, and the use of the sprite was AMAZING, honestly, a clever way of using O2A2's restrictions to make the story even more impactful!

The Froot Basket games were on my list of games to play when I have more time, but it definitely motivates me to make time for them! The whole experience was so poetic, I can't believe it was made in two days (minus the gorgeous GUI which came with an update).

Congrats on making this, this is certainly one of my top entries, if not my top entry from the jam so far!!

Hi, I shouted "BANGER" the moment I got on the main menu.

When the game started, I was like "Oh no, he's hot" and then "Oh no, he's a JERK!!!!"

And then, more seriously, it was a very interesting game, like a sneak peek at something bigger. Admittedly, Zach is far from being an ideal guy, and the game masterfully painted the ambiguity in this relationship, and it made me doubt about Zach's sincerity and true intentions... Just like MC! This was really great!

As I said, Zach is hot and his in-game sprite was GORGEOUS!! The GUI was amazing too, very naturally implemented. The voice acting was also great!! The music track was lovely and fitted the game very well.

Congrats to the team, it was a great entry!!

The game was so intense Banya, OH MH GOD!!! The concept is amazing and made me very tense while playing the game (in a good way). The GUI looked neat too, same for Béla's sprite, and I loved the fact the sprite would seldom be illuminated, it really added to the mood of the game! Congrats on making this!!

Heeey, I'm so glad you appreciated the game! Honestly, the writing is mostly due to Racine (well, you did eye the devlog and probably saw there that I combined two scenes in one), and I can't help but encourage you to read it, especially if you have some French (admittedly though, it's very formal and literary French; but I was wondering when I saw you spelt her name the French way!). I will also encourage the reading of Phèdre, which has inspired my O2A2 entry last year, and which is my actual favourite play from Racine, because this play consumes my life lol. But either way, if you can, I do encourage reading the French version, and even listening to it, as Racine's verse is very musical (cf. in Andromaque: "Ô cendre d'un époux ! Ô Troyens ! Ô mon père ! / Ô mon fils ! que tes jours coûtent cher à ta mère." so much anguish dfvfdf)

I'm so happy the game managed to show how much I love this play (and Racine's work in general)!

Vanessa did indeed a wonderful job, and I was so lucky to work with her!

(And LMAOOO, I wanted to put a silly fun fact for the loading screen, glad it kept you occupied!)

Thanks for playing the game and sharing your thoughts about it, it really means the world!!

Hey Kristi, thanks for your feedback!

Andromache really is put in a dire situation here... but maybe the real tragedy is the fact we can't lick our elbows...

Thanks for playing the game, I'm glad you enjoyed this tragedy!!

AAAH THANKS A LOT!!!!!!!!! I'm glad you appreciate these games in general because I LOVED writing it!! And yes, the voice acting was STELLAR, I am so lucky!! Thanks for playing the game and for the kind words!!

Hi Kona, thanks for your feedback! I'm glad you appreciated the writing and the story, it is indeed heartbreaking! And yes, I'm so lucky for the voice acting, Vanessa did an outstanding job!! Thanks for trying the game!!

"wow this is such a cute phone simulation, we have friends, we have a bf, but for some reason, it's too wholesome for a story made by anna, where is the-AH"

That was overall my thought process during the game, I was waiting for the heartbreaking twist and OF COURSE IT CAME, it always does edfdsdfr

To give a full account of the game: first of all, I really liked the music, it was very immersive without being distracting, perfect for this game. Then, I also loved the art, Felix is looking gorgeous! And of course, I have  to salute the GUI GOODNESS ANNA YOU DIDN'T COOK YOU OPENED A RESTAURANT AT THIS POINT???????????? This was so immersive, it really felt like being on a phone! For a bug report, however, when I opened the "about" menu, the "return" button wouldn't work (but I played the web build, so maybe that's why).

For the writing, it was interesting: a sneak-peek at the whole UTFS universe, and yet, we get confronted with quite an important event. That's interesting because we know it is going to happen, but we don't know how yet: a bit like biblical prophecies, you know they are meant to happen, but God works in mysterious ways, so you don't know yet how they will happen. This makes me very excited for the deployment of the rest of the UTFS universe!

And of course, Felix was adorable, his interactions with Tamara so wholesome (if you don't count the last one of course)!

Congrats to all the team, it was an AMAZING O2A2 entry!!

This was such a cute and funny game!! The concept was EXCELLENT: really slice-of-life, so right up my alley, and getting to choose whodunit was a great narrative design idea, ending up portraying the relationship so differently each time!

The art was also gorgeous, the girlfriend is so cute (I love her outfit) and the background is so detailed! The implementation of it all was also successfully done!

Congrats on a great game!


I really got into the story, and I was impressed by how fast it managed to explain, somehow, how necromancy works in this world, to give us a glimpse of the dynamic between MC and Shavil (and how complicated it is considering the striking difference between the two endings), and the stakes of it all! The art too was absolutely gorgeous, both the BG and the SPRITE HOLY MOLLY!! Finally, I have to say, the voice acting was amazing!!

Congrats on making this game!!!

Hi Pri, thanks for trying the game and for your feeback! I'm happy the game felt theatre-like, it was one of the goals! And yes, Andromache really is trying her best, but somehow, I don't think she'd find happiness with Pyrrhus (she really is doomed... unless.......... she actually survives in the play so she's winning).


I also really loved the game! The story was great and a nice continuation to the relationship established between Cassidy and May and, somehow, it almost feels "satisfying" to finally get to see May's perspective on all this. The discussion was interesting, and it raised good points about the inner conflict of believers seeing people they love not participate in their cult, and bitterly knowing they are going to hell according to their perspectives. In May's case, the bitterness is directed towards her own religion, while it may vary in real life, but it was an interesting game which will make me think, haha!

Also, the presentation (in NVL mode) was great, and the sprite was a great addition (and was well-drawn, haha, it must help!)

Congrats on making this Naarel!!

Wow, I have to say I was impressed by this game!

First of all, it was very gorgeous-looking: the art and the GUI were both amazing. The music too was very fitting and appropriate for the ambience!

I also have to say, the story was EXCELLENT. The haikus leading the game were an excellent idea, and the progressive build-up to the final revelation and the final twists was really great. While the relationship between Sheol and the "protagonist" is easily understood, the final outcome was clearly unexpected, but made a lot of sense in terms of how the game is built, and it really was a dramatic, heartbreaking moment.

Great job to all the team! I'm impressed it was an O2A2 entry, it felt so rich! Congrats!!

Aaah, thanks for giving the game a try, I'm glad you appreciated The Ghosts of Troy! And I'm glad the devlog was neat to read, it's one of my longest haha, but I had a lot of things to say about this game and about writing a TDOTS follow-up! (And yes, I feel Andromache's move feels more powerful when you know she's actually going to survive, haha)!

(1 edit)


First of all, I have to say I really loved the artistic direction: I suppose the GUI is meant to be reminescent of the UI in Dragon's Dogma 2, and while I haven't played it, one thing I can say for sure is that it was beautiful and very well integrated! Similarly, I have to say I LOVED the art, the background was magical and Iggy was beyond gorgeous. The overall glow, emanating from the flowers, made the scene look really magical, but the composition made it look quite intimate: in the end, the game really managed to evoke the magic of a moment shared with two people who are close.

And of course, what can I say of the writing! First, I really loved how you made it sound like older English, be it in the grammar or in the vocabulary (or even the pronunciation using some liberties found in the iambic pentametre, like "o'er" for "over"). The story itself was so touching, and I think a lot of us could relate to Dogma!Iggy: the pressure of being the chosen one. It reminds me of a French poem from Alfred de Vigny, and one of my favourites, named "Moïse" (Moses), in which the prophet tells God (translation by Tory Dutt):

Must I live feared and lonely from my birth?
Oh! let me sleep the sleep of all the earth.
What have I done, elected thus to stand?
Lo! I have led Thy people to their land.
Let some one else appear upon the scene
Twixt Thee and them, like me to intervene.

The hero embraces his duties, and yet, yet, is he up to it? And what has he done to be the one chosen against his will, forced to carry so much on his shoulders? I really appreciate these thoughts in game!

I also really enjoyed the development of Iggy and Genzou's relationship, and I loved playing Genzou so supporting. On my first playthrough, I definitely didn't try to stick to my duty even once... And yet... YET!!! THE ENDING!!!! GOODNESS!!!!!!!! IT BROKE MY HEART, Iggy was still grateful but I was gritting my teeth, desperate to have my kiss!

So I knew I had to try again, to try to save some "stamina" (I don't know the proper in-game word) and get my kiss, and I GOT IT!!!! AND GENZOU'S WORDS WERE SO SWEET!!!!!!! AND THE FINAL TOUCH WITH THE MAIN MENU ART, AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Carrot, it was an amazing game (not that I'm surprised lol), and I'm glad you created it (I was wondering whether you would participate to O2A2 this year). Thanks for the wonderful experience, and for feeding the Genzy community!!

Hey Lady Gaga, thanks for playing the game!

More seriously, I'm so happy you appreciated the game, especially since you're also part of the reasons I've been thinking about it for months lol! I screamed at Andro-SMASH

And I'm glad you found it polished, honestly, I just loved putting everything together and having fun with the sprite and shifting colours in Ren'Py! And regarding my struggles, I think I would have liked not using the solid red background, but use one more similar to the one on the game page, as it feels less basic with the blood stains, but gotta stick to the one backgroudn rule! But honestly, it was very minor lol (and I used the particle anyway)!

Thanks for your feedback Joy, I appreciate it a lot!!!

Hi, thanks for your feedback! This is indeed a tragic story, especially since here, it focuses on the aftermath of a war, and focuses on the losers. And Andromache herself is a very touching in her selflessness (at least, that's what I found highly beautiful in this game).

I have to agree with the quotes, the game is heavily-inspired from a theatre play filled with so many beautiful quotes. And thanks for the artwork, it was a challenge to make her expressive without making her expressions to cartoon-like!

Yes, there is something bitter for Andromache in this ending, but I like to think she's at peace, being able to overcome Pyrrhus' dilemma!

Thanks for playing the game and for the kind words, I appreciate them!