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A member registered Mar 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your kind comment!! 

we definitely meant the red as in love haha, definetely something to keep in mind to let players know as we keep working on it!

Really beautiful art and animations, such a big fan of the overall vibe and color scheme with the music! The game was really interesting and I liked the concept of building trust with them as more and more things happen. The dialogue was funny too and added a lot to the overall vibe. great work!

One of my favorite games of this jam so far oh my god!! The concept is so creative and funny and I loved the graphics/tone. Great work guys!

I had so much fun playing this!! the puzzles and concept are very interesting and I really liked the graphics and voice acting in the beginning haha. Would honestly love to see more!

Beautiful graphics and music!! Love the tone and the concept is pretty cool! Great work guys :>

also, I love clamantha. I would die for clamantha. clamantha #1 fan

As a proud fish owner I LOVE THIS AAAA the characters are so funny and cute and the environment/bubbles really sell the whole thing. The plot was really funny too and the concept overall was just amazing :'D

Really beautiful pixel art and interesting mechanics!! I had a lot of fun just jumping up and down :> can't wait to spend more time playing this!!

had my game crash a bit but I switched to another browser and was running fine? ;v; anyways really good game!! the cards are so funny and the music/art just fits everything so good :D 

(1 edit)

AAA I loved this game!! the mechanics were really interesting, I had fun playing through the courtroom style and finding out what happened in each case :> the only thing I noticed is that at times the dialogue flew by too quickly when I would only click once but that honestly could be just my mouse ;; anyways I really liked the art/character designs and the plot was so good!!! definitely a bread-winner hehe