Thank you!! And I like that idea -I will put that in my notes and consider it when I come back to this project -thank you :D
Chase of Bass
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Hi there! Whole lot to go through here so I wanted to wait until I had time to go through it all and respond thoughtfully -really appreciate all the helpful feedback!
Lots of great suggestions here!
Tutorial: I'm personally not a fan of tutorials but planned to add more hints to guide learning might add one
Removing orbs: completely agree and have this on my to do list -just haven't gotten to it yet (I'm juggling several other projects at the moment)
A note I mentioned in a previous update: the electric pegs aren't functional yet, they will link to create a sort of electric web -or at least that's the plan at the moment
Upgrading to a random peg: might be worth experimenting with! That is a fun idea!
Difficulty/progression: I have only the original level made for the jam at the moment with plans to add a lot more levels to progress through -I also want the levels to sort of change and evolve as rounds progress. Also, the orbs hp does scale with each round but I was afraid I made it too difficult so scaled it back -I plan to make goals easy and difficult to add more fun here. Also, in a similar style to the bloons games, I plan to add specific immunities to orbs in a future update (e.g. a red / blue one is immune to fire / ice) pegs
Also, as far as curses or specific events: I LOOOOVE THAT IDEA! That sounds really fun and I've added it to the ol todo list! :D
Healing: that's a very good point -have made note of this and will think on it
Limits on pegs might be needed in a level like this -but in future levels there will be more limited layouts that will be more difficult to spam
Bug: the turrets will shoot at the closet orb so they will eventually shoot stuck ones if there is nothing else to shoot -that said, I should have still sloped the corners so nothing could get stuck there -however, I do have plans to use the corners for other things, like bonuses and such
Anyway, the game is still very early in development and thank you for these amazing comments -really appreciate it and after reading through all this it's got me all inspired wanting to hurry up and get back to working on this game! :D Thanks again!
Thank you so much and lol thank you for letting me know! The problem was that the ball was bouncing up exactly into the same position when a new ball was being spawned causing them to go crazy trying to free themselves from each other -just updated and fixed that -still working on the physics but hopefully fixed! Thanks again :D
Those are some great suggestions! Thank you! I was originally going to do a couple of those like have the pegs break after x amount of hits but was afraid it would annoy players and I also had drawn up other balls that were going to be more difficult but ran out of time before I could implement them lol. Also, I really, really love the idea of a healing pin -brilliant! Definitely adding that for sure! Thanks again! :D
Thank you! You can upgrade by clicking on a peg but I think a peg shop would be awesome and will definitely consider that! The frost one is supposed to be a stasis slowdown peg but my fake physics were kind of ignoring my attempts to slow the ball down very much lol -plan to fix that. I really like your suggestion there though and think I'm going to change the frost peg to be more like freeze on the spot as you described and make a new stasis /slowdown peg to be more like the glue in the bloons games. Thank you for the kind words and awesome suggestions -thank you so much! :D
Thank you so much! It did a screenshake when taking a hit but for whatever reason the browser version isn't showing that -but definitely think you are right and will make it more obvious when losing health (And will make it more obvious there is health in the first place! lol) <<added both to update list. And burning makes the ball flash every couple of seconds and it takes burn damage -frost is supposed to slow the ball down but not nearly enough as is -intend to improve all that when I update after the jam! Anyway, thank you for the kind words and the helpful feedback! :D