Brand new UI for the game! Including a new font, new textboxes, new effects! The pause menu has hearts floating in the screen! And there's a new sound effect for text scroll. I hope this helps differentiate it from other RPG Maker games.
That's not all! Three new songs! The girls have new themes, to reflect their personality, I hope you enjoy them!
But there's even more! 4 new minigames! One for each one of your stats, Athleticism, Charisma, Empathy and Reflexes. Win for a chance of raising them to the next level! Ang believe me you're going to want to do this! It's going to help you when you go on dates.
Speaking of, with this update everything is ready for the implementation of dates! With that I'm hoping this game will reach my arbitrary standard for "Demo Worthy." Next update won't take long! So please stay tuned.