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A member registered Aug 15, 2018 · View creator page →

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Looking in to this further, from what i can tell, itch accpets payments via creditcard/debit and paypal.

As mentioned in Titan's comment above im loooking in to some other options that will hopefully help with this. Though it would def be nice to keep everything in one place somehow cus itch is pretty great for sure!

If you might have a card I would try that first and see if it let's you buy but if not reach out on Twitter dm an I can try and figure something out for you as well :)

It's quite unfortunate that it blocks like this so hopefully we figure something out! Sorry for all the troubles though!

Oh no, this is no good! I belive itch accepts credit/debit cards and paypal transactions. If you have a card try that because I've heard that paypal has a some blacklist or something unfortunately 😞

I am looking in to some other options, one of which would be an application on Steam with each tool as a dlc. Hopping this will help get around the country payment issues in the future as this has happened a few times already. 

If your able to send me a dm on Twitter I can see if there is anything else I could do on my end even temporarily 😀 Sorry for all the troubles!

Hmm, thats odd! I wonder if reaching out to itch support they would allow payments from this country. Maybe they don't have a conversion set up for this or something? Sorry for all the troubles :(

:( which country are you from? Does itch not allow you to buy?

Right?! I said I was thinking way outside the box on this one lol I agree and if I would have had time to get some extra scenes I bet I could have tied it all together. Would be amazing to see all the scenes played back to back after filming them even out of order!

Ayeee thank you Noble! Had an absolute blast putting this one together and had a lot of fun with the animations! 

Thank ... *Aggressivly points* YOU  for the amazing opertunity to get this idea out of my brain! XD

The magic hands are strong with this one lol

Ayeeee thank you for your kind words again! I'm glad you were able to pick this up and absolutly let me know how you get on with this and if it works well! :D

Come to think of it I didn't test dynamic settings like pressure and such I wonder if they also work with this tool!

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Hello there, thank you for reaching out and thank you for your kind words!  I would love to help on this but currently i don't think i could take this one on.

Ive look in to this a bit and it does seem there is an psd exporter script available, however it does not import psd to aseprite. 

When looking over the script and it looks really quite complicated and they seem to be creating a binary file from scratch. Basicly this process would need to go the other way looking at a binary file and taking it apart which might be doable but I'm not sure how long it would take to make sure it's working correctly.

Here is a link to the script I found that exports to psd though! Just for reference.

This might be something that eventually gets added to aseprite though again it's really quite complicated to get it working correctly. Espcially if Adobe changes anything in their file format. Something to look at in the future for sure though!

The detail in this scene between the layers is so amazing! Putting together a little parallax scrolling example and this is perfect! I didn't notice any license on this, hopefully you don't mind me using in an example gif / video showing off some new features of my parallax tool. Credit where credit is due of course! I'll be sure to point people your way for these amazing sprites :)

Absolutely beautiful sprite work as usual Salvaje! Love your stuff :D

Oh excellent! Glad you got it working 😀 I'm glad you were able to find and use my tool! Absolutely reach out if you have any troubles or questions! Thank you for your support!

Oh I think i might have just responded to your comment on youtube xD Ill repost here though just incase its seen first haha

Thank you thank you! 

In regards to the issue you've mentioned, there might be a couple of things at play here.

Not sure if youtube allows links in comments but if there was any way you might be able to screen record you scene set up I can try and help!

If you are able to post an issue here with details that would be amazing:

The modify exsisting button generally is used if you've got some sort of animated set of cels, or even cels with data already in them. (Showing the dot filled in).

That being said how it should be working is it doesn't modify the first or last selected cel as those are considered keyframes in the tool. It only modifies the cels between them so that the your to and from cels stay put.

When you say second frame doesn't change do you mean the last cel or is it more so like you've got 5 cels selected with data and cel number 2 of the 5 isn't moving? Actually I might have run in to this while making the video when showing the tween interpolation the first 2 cels or frames were the same so this might be a bug that existed before the update even 😆 

Something I need to look in to I guess haha

Absolutely! Thank you for your support! Feel free to reach out if you have any troubles at all 😀

Ah yeah v1.1.4 has the color mode issue. I've already got the fix for this implemented for the next release though! :D 

More info on the bug tracker here:

And yeee thank you for your kind words! I'm glad you were able to find this :D

Fantastic Spritework! :) Love the style of these. I'm currently working on some isometric features for one of my tools and these are perfect for testing things out! Much prettier to look at then my programmer art hahaha XD

Good Morning! You may be able to do this using The Tween Machine by doing a scale and position tween on each door, they would have to be on their own layers to do this but then could be merged down together again :)

Also you may need to scale down (start with the doors closed and then scale them down to look open) this way the tool has more pixels to work with.

It's a bit hard to describe in text actually 😆 and I'm not sure if it would look excatly how this looks but it would give you a basic animation to start refining! 😀 

Ayeeee! This looks awesome, your page has def got the scrolling as well 😆 

Thank you for your kind words, glad your enjoying the tool! 🥰

Good Afternoon! This has been resolved and patch in the Aseprite v1.3.4 :D Latest Aseprite should restore this back to working again!

This update should hit steam soon and hopefully all is well! Honestly amazing job by the Aseprite team, such quick turn around!

Yeee excellent! The team over at aseprite is already on top of this as well as of a few hours ago so we might even see a patch soon that fixes the source of this issue. I truly appreciate all that they do! As I said in a response they are doing gods work and we are blessed to have such an amazing program 😀

I just found out that 1.3.3 is where this is happening.

I'm guessing your on aseprite 1.3.3 that just updated a few days ago D:

It seems there is some major issues with transactions in 1.3.3, I've reached out directly to Aseprite this morning to see if there was an unnoted change.


Simply revert to 1.3.2 like so and everything will work again!

Sorry about this! Sometimes things are out of my control and it's inside aseprite itself. I'll be digging deeper in to this if there is something I need to change for 1.3.3 but so far nothing on the docs says there was a change :(

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SOLVED: Aseprite 1.3.4 patched in the fix for this :D

Oh your all good, honestly thank you for the heads up on this!

Did some digging in to this and unfortunately, atleast from what ive seen, You'll have to revert to 1.3.2 temporarily it seems transactions might be a bit bugged right now in the newest aseprite! It's pretty easy to go back a version see here!

I've reached out to aseprite to see if its something that changed or something might have been bugged. Will also be sifting though everything to see what I can find as well. Hopefully can get it fixed right away!

Omg you never downloaded this tool?!?!?! No way hahahaha Dude let me send you a key for goodness sake. You were looking for a this feature so I made it way back then 😆

I have just released my 8th Aseprite extension!! Introducing....

An undockable / floating color palette! Ready to be placed wherever you might need it :D

Huge shoutouts to Fazziesan for the idea and request on this one, be sure to check out her awesome live streams and pixel arts!

The tool is currently on sale though the remainder of September :D

Hope you enjoy this tool and it helps out,

Much Love! 


Ah sorry for the troubles! Did you ever get it to load correctly here? Perhaps using a diffrent browser might help, i know sometimes websites can be weird depending what is used 😀

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Ayeeee thank you so much for your kind words 🥰 

I'm glad you are finding it useful! 😀 and I very much appreciate your support!

One day I shall push the update that I currently have, it will clean up everything and put them in these nice tabs :)  Much easier to look at when you don't have to look at everything lol

Would also like to convert to an extension for easier updates and installing too! Something to look forward to in the future :D

Ah, Aseprite isnt on mobile. This is a plugin / extension for Aseprite.

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Oh, interesting! When i double click on the extension from my downloads folder it opens up aseprite  and jumps right to the little extention menu. I wonder if its not able to open your aseprite automaficly for some reason? 

Regardless though I'm glad that you got it working! :D Sorry for any confusion! 😆 

Let me know how it works for ya! Hopefully quite helpful 😀

Yes indeed! Its all packaged together for this one and can even be installed by simply double clicking the extension once you download it :) It will put all the files where they need to go. Its actually really nice!

I still need to update my other tools to extensions to do the same, it helps so much when I update to just double click the extension and it overwrites the files it needs to! So much better :D

Im not excatly sure how it works on the back end either but I sent you over a key which should allow you to claim the tool and add to your library 😀

Thank you so much for your kind words and gratitude! The tools take a lot of work to make so it's quite nice to see and hear they are being so useful!

I do have atleast a few tools in the works which I hope to release soon enough! So def be on the look out for those 😀

Appreciate all your support and hopefully this works for you!

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Hmm looking in to this I do see the purchase, it looks like it was a gift? You might be able to add it to your library by clicking the link in the email 😀 Let me know if it doesn't work though I can send another key if needed as you should have access. 😀

Love all that you're doing Bram 😀 

Haha yeah! I've been adding small features to this tool over the past few years :) Originally I released this back in 2019 I belive! Too many little things that I couldn't see releasing on its own so I just put them together!

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Ah shoot, my apologies, it looks like I might be using functionality that was added to the api in v1.2.31. Though if your able to upgrade to 1.2.39 this is the newest stable release at this point. Lots of bug fixes and stuff in there!

Oh awesome! That is pretty handy xD I supose if anyone is on an old version they can still use this but I'll make a note on the page here. Which version did they add that in?

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Thank you very much! Always appricate your EXTRA support on these my goodness! :) Please let me know if you run in to any issues or limitations! I want to def smooth things out if there is any in there xD

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You could have a sheet with all your dithering brushes on it and create a brush set, the only thing is with this tool the sheet with the brushes has to still be open in a tab for it to be able to grab the next or last brush when quickly swaping :)

Currently it doesn't save any brushes it just pulls from the sheet and creates the brushes on the fly as you swap through them, this also means you can change them at any time and it will keep the brush set intact and let you swap through them still with the new changes :)

I would love to implement saving and loading of brush sets though so you dont have to create them each time you reopen the brush set file, though currently it only takes a few seconds to select them. 

Perhaps I could add on a feature were it would save all the brushes in to the default brush dropdown though? 

Uh oh! Any chance you might be able to send a gif or video so I can see what's going on?

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Oh you don't need to compile the tool/script in to Aseprite just needs to but put in the scripts folder that comes with Aseprite is all. (Asuming that your compiling aseprite in the image you sent? Along as you have a good build and it generated the folder)

Just download then drag and drop the script in to the folder in and restart aseprite and it should appear in the scripts menu option 😀