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:( which country are you from? Does itch not allow you to buy?

I am from Nepal. Yeah.. 

Hmm, thats odd! I wonder if reaching out to itch support they would allow payments from this country. Maybe they don't have a conversion set up for this or something? Sorry for all the troubles :(

Looking in to this further, from what i can tell, itch accpets payments via creditcard/debit and paypal.

As mentioned in Titan's comment above im loooking in to some other options that will hopefully help with this. Though it would def be nice to keep everything in one place somehow cus itch is pretty great for sure!

If you might have a card I would try that first and see if it let's you buy but if not reach out on Twitter dm an I can try and figure something out for you as well :)

It's quite unfortunate that it blocks like this so hopefully we figure something out! Sorry for all the troubles though!