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A member registered Jul 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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I've dreamt about jareth being on the cover for phantasy star 2 and final fantasy 3. So that's why I decided to feature jareth in the cover.

hi anwynn 😃

I'm glad you played Stephanie and the rainbow gems. To be honest with you even I can't beat this game. I only gotten to the final boss. But I still enjoyed it too.

(2 edits)

Stephanie and Kendall are teaming up again to rescue a little princess who has been kidnapped by an evil queen and she has taken over her castle. Stephanie now has the ability to double jump and Kendall can do wall jumps. Play through 6 new levels and get pass challenging bosses.

Stephanie and the kidnapped Princess

Stephanie is ready for a new adventure

Stephanie and the kidnapped Princess

Kendall is swimming underwater

Stephanie and the Kidnapped Princess

Face new enemies and bosses

Stephanie and the Kidnapped Princess by campotech

A new adventure has been added to the Dungeon Warrior Table-top Role-playing game 2nd edition.

Rescue Princess Rachel

Rescue Princess Rachel Carson

Rescue the lovely Princess Rachel Carson who has been kidnapped by her evil mother Queen Peggy. Explore 4 castles and find out where Princess Rachel is being held captive.
Dungeon Warrior the tabletop role-playing game 2nd edition by campotech (


Interact with the townspeople, Explore Castles, Dungeons and Caves.
Retro Fantasy

Retro Fantasy plays like an 8-bit home console like Final Fantasy. You create a party of four and you go on various quests. Then you must gather the four crystals and bring them to the crystal tower to restore peace to the world. The game features epic quests, dangerous monsters and awesome treasures for you to collect. If you haven't played an 8-bit final fantasy game yet, then Retro Fantasy is the perfect experience or you.

Retro Fantasy by campotech (

Epic Battle

Battle against a giant monster.

Sail around the world
Sail through the seas or ride on the airship to explore new kingdoms.

World Map
Explore a massive world where adventure awaits you.


Interact with the townspeople, Explore Castles, Dungeons and Caves.
Retro Fantasy

Retro Fantasy plays like an 8-bit home console like Final Fantasy. You create a party of four and you go on various quests. Then you must gather the four crystals and bring them to the crystal tower to restore peace to the world. The game features epic quests, dangerous monsters and awesome treasures for you to collect. If you haven't played an 8-bit final fantasy game yet, then Retro Fantasy is the perfect experience or you.

Retro Fantasy by campotech (

Epic Battle

Battle against a giant monster.

Sail around the world
Sail through the seas or ride on the airship to explore new kingdoms.

World Map
Explore a massive world where adventure awaits you.
(18 edits)

Good News Everyone! My favorite little girl is coming back along with her best friend Kendall in a brand-new adventure. In Stephanie and the Kidnapped Princess an evil queen takes over a castle and holds Princess Renee hostage. Stephanie and Kendall must travel around the island and collect 5 special tokens to break the spell to enter the castle to defeat the evil queen and rescue Princess Renee and restore her castle. The game will feature a map where you can explore any location and find the 5 special tokens. Stephanie can double jump and Kendall can wall jump.

12/5/22 Stephanie Sprites Completed

All of the Stephanie Sprites are completed including walking, jumping, ducking, swimming and mini-map walking

12/12/22 Kendall Sprites Completed

All of the Kendall Sprites are completed including walking, jumping, swimming, ducking and mini-map walking.


I had to work on a day that I normally work on this game. But now I got the evil queen set up. All she does is wave her evil staff and shoots out an evil sphere. You can jump on the evil sphere to bounce off of it to jump on top of the evil queen. Or Stephanie can just double jump.


I hope everyone had a good Christmas. Now that is behind us for another 365 days it's time to get back to normal around here. Anyway, I managed to finish my Princess Renee sprites and it wasn't as bad as I thought because I pictured her in my mind the whole time, so it was pretty good. Now that the four main characters is done it's time for the enemies and bosses.


Happy New Year Everyone! I hope everyone had a great holiday but now it's time to get back to normal and live life again. Now I'am on the enemy sprites and I managed to do 3 of them so far. So far Stephanie and Kendall will face evil happy flowers and bees. Oh! and don't forget about the snails. We can't have a Stephanie game without snails, right?


I'm doing okay for myself at the moment. I got a new job position and life is starting to get better for me. Now I managed to finish the regular enemies that Stephanie and Kendall are going to face. Now I got the evil queen done so now I have to do 5 bosses for this game and then it's the actual programming for each character and object.


So now that I'm on vacation I think I'm going to spend some extra time working on this game for a couple of days just to get ahead of time. I just finished designing the bosses. Now the fun part begins which is programming each of the characters, enemies and bosses.


With all this free time that I got this week I'm going to make some extra time for this game. So far, I managed to program Stephanie and she was easy to do because I gave her a new double jump feature. But Kendall's wall jump was a pain in the booty.  So, I ended up with her just jumping on walls as if she is climbing them. Like in mega man X. I also did the swimming programing. since there is going to be an underwater level in this game. I also went ahead and did the 2 collectable objects which will be the hearts and lives icons. As a special decision with super bowl on 2/12/23 I 'am going to upload a special screenshot of this game.


All of the enemies have been programmed and they're ready to go. Next on the list is the bosses.


Hi everyone, just a quick update that I managed to complete all the bosses. But one of them was too tough for Kendall so I'll have to give her a different route so that she'll have to skip that boss fight. Other than that, now it's on to the fun part. Level Designing! and Boss Levels!


Happy Super Bowl Day everyone :-) As promised here is a special screenshot of Stephanie and the kidnapped princess. I hope you like it.


I hope you really liked that screenshot because there is more where that came from. I have finished the field level of the game. This is basically the first level of the game. It's really simple and it's a good way to start the game. I also just added the music to the game so once again Christoph Jakob will be the composer for this game.


Just to keep things posted I finished the field level and the forest level. I got 4 more levels left to do so it's coming along great.


I finished the underwater level and the cave level. Now just 2 more to go and I'll do the ending of the game.


The house level is finished. I just have the castle level left to do and the levels are all completed.


The castle level is completed and that's it for all the levels. Next is ending, end credits.


I decided to do the title screen instead and I wanted to play test the game itself. So far it's been pretty good. Sadly, I decided to remove the token and the world map idea because I wanted this to be done in April. I won't have enough time to do the world map completely.


The game is finished at last. Now download the game and enjoy Stephanie and Kendall's new adventure

yeah it is very awesome 

yuppers. I plan my Stephanie games with pencil and paper first then if I like the idea then I'll go for it. I love making the Stephanie games so I put a lot of dream, fantasy, and heart into them. 

I know this is kind of early for me to do this, but I thought about it and I'm going to get started on this game. This one is called Stephanie and the Kidnapped Princess. In her fourth adventure Stephanie and her friend Kendall journeys into an island where an evil queen has taken over it by kidnapping Princess Jennalee and locking her inside the evil castle dungeon. Stephanie and Kendall have to explore the island and defeat 5 bosses in order to get into the evil castle and fight the evil queen. 


Everything is in pencil and paper now. I drew out the map where the player can explore the island and enter a level of the player's chosen.

Stephanie will have the ability to double jump.

Kendall will have the ability to slide and perform wall jumps.

To defeat enemies, you must jump on top of them like in basic platform games.

I'm looking forward to using this music for my next Stephanie game.

This is the offical table top version of the Dungeon Warrior rpg. Players create their own character and go on epic adventures to loot dungeons, fight hideous monsters and the slay the most fearsome dragons. The dungeon master provides the players with story telling and interesting characters and most dangerous dungeons for the players to face.