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A member registered Aug 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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omg this is a good score... I am awful haha

Looks like a lot of fun!!! (is the online functionality different in the Catalog version?)

I should have asked a week ago, but what do LEVELS do?

This is way harder than it looks!

Looking forward to seeing where Kimi goes next!


IT WORKED. *clapping emojisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Yeah, I have done a couple hundred. (I review PD games) I was hoping I was missing something obvious though.  It’s weird to see it pop up on the site but nowhere on the console. 

Not sure what I'm doing wrong...I can't get this to show up on my PD. Sideloading shows the Boatload card, but the correct name, neither games show up on my PD though.


I was so confused at first, then it accidently unlocked. It seems like the hour moving clockwise, and the minute moving counterclockwise worked best...? My high score is 6 though. I love the concept and the card art!

Protip! Your sub needs to come all the way out of the water to score!

What makes the balloon descend? I can't figure out how to reliably do it. I thought it was the crank, but some flights the balloon is almost pinned to the top of the screen and runs out of time quickly.

Top level file thingy is missing or configured wrong and I'm dumb with computers...Heads up!

Greatest and best game title of 2024. + 10 Starry McStarfaces

Can't wait to see what the world dreams up! GET CRANK'D'N!

Thanks! not good with computers. :)

I'm not very good with computers...maybe someone else can tell me what I'm doing wrong with the file. It's not showing up to sideload. Needs a top level file change or zip or what? Thanks


Awesome! I have a soft spot for Portugal, so this got a quick mention on the podcast haha... Tough game! I died in the 70's. Very cool premise though and fun!

Portuguese Playdate Dev???!!!

Sideloading now! If you didn't have any other games that used the default file names, it would work fine on yours. I'm not sure which game on mine was conflicting...I have a bunch. Thanks for fixing it so quickly!

Hey, the game does not sideload properly so I asked some devs on discord and they said “It had a default example package name, so conflicted with something else using that package. Then build number was also 1, so it would not have actually sideloaded.”

This has happened with other games with default templates because the Playdate doesn’t know which of the multiple games with the same package name to load. (Or something. I’m not a computer guy, but heads up the game doesn’t work.) Hope this helps because Planetfall looks cool!

...and lost me with the tilting. (I kid...anxiously awaiting Crank controls!) had me at Trombone Champ.

Haven't spent a lot of time with it yet, but really enjoying it so far. It definitely took a game or two to 'get' it. The presentation is 10/10. Very charming and completely up my alley.

Congratulations on the release!!! Time has never flown so good!

HOLY SHYT...That YouTube video is a BOPPPPP...

tbh, doing the podcast, it is hard to keep up with all the great Playdate games coming out now - both in time and financially - but once I watched the video I had to give it a go!!!! Sideloading now. Keep up the amazing work!

Amazing! Thank you so much!!


Congratulations! Is there a changelog patchnote thingy or just wing it?

That's great! That you fixed it, not that you crashed it. Honestly, I forgot about the crash and just this morning I put Couples on a list of games to recommend to kids! Good timing!

*Judge Judy Tapping Watch GIF*

*Wide Eyed Emoji

This needs to be a full game!!! Really love what's here.

Looks fun. I like the powerup approach.

HECKKKKKK YESSSS... Almost exactly I year after purchase and its STILL getting updates!

The future (of romance) is now.

Ohhhh...I always have my crank undocked! Good to know!