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A member registered Aug 02, 2018

Recent community posts

Everyone starts somewhere.  and hey.  A philosophy I have is, if you can recognize who the character is in fanart, then it's good fanart

You know, you could probably earn some good money with a DLC of rather... interesting... extra scenes, like clarifying that line.  or  new diplomatic means of getting past the squealers, or taking up Tidy of his features.  Though may alter the esrb rating.  ...Hey it worked for Cult of the Lamb.

Mostly all depends on if he's dead or unconscious.  ...never did understand how punches lead to instant death though (apart from most squealers).

So... can I get some clarification on "Can we play with him first?"

that second to last paragraph made me hope somewhere out there is official lgbt art of Jazz.  You know those turtles would want to do something with him.  Though yeah, bad timing.

Dean Dodrill said that?  The guy who later made Dust an Elysian Tale?

...Well job well Done cause Jazz is one of my earliest crushes.  Especially those 3D levels where if you hit a wall he flips back and you have a screen full of bunny ass with legs spread open.

ah, so will still contain a butt-pound move, gotcha.

I don't remember

oh, I also want to compliment you for the level design.  I really liked how you could see out windows and it could give you hints as to what to come, or where to go.  for example, in one of the later levels I got a green key.  I remember seeing a green door but forgot where.  but as I was backtracking I saw it through one of the windows.  It also helped keep it from feeling like an underground bunker like all the Wolfenstein clones

no worries.  Hoping for more is a compliment in a way, as it means what we have was enjoyable enough to want more.  At least I think it's a positive way to read it as.  I look forward to your next game.  I wonder what genre it will be.

I think it was in 2nd somewhere.  just a little closet where some pixely dildos and a squirt bottle were on some boxes

Cute little game, though only has a pinup, some lotion and dildos laying in a room, and 1 sex sequence.  Was kinda hoping to at least see maybe a bad end where those enemies needing the lotion got their hands on our brave hero

never feel the need to apologize for putting IRL ahead of other things.  Good luck with your studies.  We'll survive without updates until you are ready to provide.

Enjoyed so far.  when should we hope to see more updates? (guesstimate)

and some more!

no worries

Furfragged got in on the art too, now

needs sequences where Big Cat fucks NTR Mouse as a lesson when you get caught


it is now the 12th.  hoping it appears this weekend some time as initially hinted ('at earliest', anyway)

ooh nice!  I didn't even know you could imbed images in here.

I hope a new version arrives soon.  the items from 'some new features' are quite interesting.

there's fanart?  where might I find it?

Will we eventually be learning what's behind the basement door under the hotel?

I would suggest to eventually add some kind of game over sequence for there, rather than just a 'return to title'.  Art wouldn't necessarily be required, just some text?  Like if you lose at the end of the gauntlet of groups later on.

is there a gallery to unlock?

Think you're going to get around to finishing this game?

You ever going to bother finishing this game?  Or too busy getting distracted by other projects?

How do you play anko's story in the windows version?

Who else besides the wererat can you put in your prison?