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A member registered Sep 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yes. Thank you :-D

Ahahaha, that's great! Thanks for streaming! :-D

Whoa, thx! It's great that it still get's some love years after release!)

Thank you, ma man!

I had a bit of a hardcore(r) era while making it. You know, Covid and stuff.

Brrrrruuuhhh, thanks!))

Aaah, I can also see you had a problem in the final level – there is actually a checkpoint in the streets that you can turn on and you don't have to play the level over and over again :-DD But it's hard to find. And by the end, you should be given white light – but you killed the "Antagonist." Maybe I should change it so that the final checkpoint gives it to you :-) Thank you for the playthrough!)

Thank you for the feedback! I realize the game can be very confusing because of how little you can see at times and yes – AI is not my virtue really :-D  I'm glad you liked it overall and I hope it didn't frustrate you too much!))

OMG I love it!!! 10/10

Hi! Thanks! I'm afraid the game isn't optimized very well to run on a Mac(( (I myself own one, so I'd know.) But if you're confident your's could run it smoothly, we can consider building it for MacOS as well))

Thank you! Both for the compliments and for the feedback!)) It's good to see your playthrough, it gives us a lot of insight! You were very lucky to hit all the three wolves while moving!

It's not the end that matters.)) And thanks! 

Thanks! You can check the other games I did as well))

Thank you!)

Hi! Me, and yes, they do: Only updating it finally over the last few days.

Feed your soul then))

That warms my heart!))

In mine it means the edge/the verge, but also the bell ringing for the dead ;-) 

Thx my queen.

Posprejované české ručičky. Náhodou u nás vznikají krásné hry. A díky!


Thank you! Although it was not a direct inspiration, I really like Tarkovsky's films, I appreciate such a strong compliment ;)

Thank you!)) 

Hi, not really, but I guess I might as well build one)

Glad you like it!)

Kdo ví ;-) 

Díky! Možná, víc lidí mi říkalo, že je matoucí, když pořád střílí ze zadku)) Ale whatever, aspoň je to trochu výzva ;-)) Třeba někdy udělám druhý díl. 

Hello there, my first time posting something here. 

I just released a small game today, which took about a year to make, mainly because all of the visuals were hand made. It's not really intended to be a fun game, more like an atmospheric artwork. I just wanted this thing I'd been working on for quite long to get to as many people as it could.

It's rather short and simple, more like an isometric walking simulator. Share your thoughts in the comments, I'll be happy to read them. 

Thanks and may the Force be with you! Josef

Neboj, dohrál! Klikal jsem fakt dlouho a pak se konečně něco zase stalo a už to bylo v pohodě) A má to víc konců?

Hezký!)) V jeden moment jsem už necházel jen unremarkable stones a bál se, že je konec, nebo je to rozbitý.

Hahah, thanks a lot! No gps on the map was totally intentional, but I we're not aware of the map opening bar filling feature :-D Oh well. I agree the rythmic game needed a lot of tuning and we've already made a lot of changes since the jam submissions closed. I think we'll upload a newer, cooler, better and in general awesome version of the game sometime next week. 

Thanks for the feedback! I also enjoyed your game a lot, it was cute. I'm not a fan of pixelart but for some reason I found it compelling in this case. Also the colour palette was really fitting.

Thank you kind sir!

Daaamn. I really liked this, but rage-quit it after a fifth attempt on the purple puzzle. Every time I was convinced I had the pattern but no. Starting all over makes it super annoying, since the previous puzzles aren't even a challenge. Anyway, great job! Really hooked me in!)))

Thanks a lot! )) Yeah well it was a surprising combo for us as well. We enjoyed making it)

Thank you! We meant for many of the UI elements to be more legible, but never got to it. Do you have a suggestion as to how to to it? Shader?) 

The author of the musical pieces is webik150.

Wow, thanks for the vid, my own computer is too weak to record it without lag :-D Anyway I can see the camera confiner doesn't work well with an ultra wide screen such as yours. Tnat's a shame, I've got no idea how to fix that tho...

Oh, I didn’t experience that)) Thank you, I’ll look into it!)

Thanks! 😉

Ok... there’s one with on the button with the question mark in the main menu. Maybe i could include it in the pause menu as well)) Thanks!

Great news! Good luck, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!)) Looking forward to seeking what you come up with. A few days ago, I was just writing an article about Terra Nil, so I got even more personally involved :-D I like the artworks, although I have to admit, the designs don't really reflect the overall feeling of the pixelart version of T.N. I've got lots of love for Ghibli, however the designs have too much of a "permanent" feeling, I liked how all the buildings in T.N. get dismantled and recycled and the visuals left a lot of space for the player to imagine the details and technology. Whereas these, although beautiful, have more of a steampunk-ish vibe and reflect the needs of humans, which are (to a great benefit) absent from TN. Maybe work with what could be around in the desolate wasteland? Recycle sediments of plastic, work with grass, build with clay... I dunno. Like there has been a lot written about sustainable, ecological architecture)) May the Force be with you!