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A member registered Jul 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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really fun to play! had a good laugh and like the concept. Got stuck at the classic conner case you probably tried to solve of getting too close to a rock it's the only rock you got :P haha. It was Moo-tastic! Really like the idea :) 

it was really fun to play! solid job for 48hrs!

I'm glad you liked it! it was the first game my brother an I have made together and with unity! :) Our next version will be better!

Great idea! Def needs some more polish and some better instructions. The mouse is sensitive to movements. Liked the puzzles you guys made! 

Great game for a game jam! Took me a few tries to realize what caused the guns to change. Would be helpful if there was a sound made when the weapon  changed. Impressive what you did with the time making the audio, animations + art!! You should be proud :)

How much control did i have? little. How much patience did i have.... little... hahahahaha. It was a good laugh :) 

Really great game! It was so much fun and well polished :) Would agree that it was easy for a little while and then got very hard (out of control) very quick.  The auto attack was nice but made it hard to keep groups in a specific spot as they would just run to the next enemy,

Great idea! Now i gotta wait..... haha :)