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Sen Jiwon

A member registered Nov 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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This game hit close to home for me as a queer person with very religious family, and it reminded me precisely of why I chose to stay closeted to them to avoid certain outcomes, of which those emotions were well portrayed towards the end of Al's diary entries. I felt chills reading the entry about throwing out church clothes as it's something that happened almost exactly to me in the past, and the ending with the reveal of Elliot's character struck me even though I saw the foreshadowing beforehand. Other than some rough gameplay/bugs, I felt like the interaction brought by making this a walking sim where you have to find the pages of Al's diary helps give more connection to the characters, but its bugginess hindered the storytelling at some points. I thought it was nice to not get a concrete answer on what happened to both characters at the end, even though based on the content warnings there is an implication, as so many stories like this end in the same way and it was refreshing to have a different conclusion that allows more focus on the experiences the characters went through rather than the tragedy of the ending result.

I was having some problems with buttons not loading sometimes, but it wasn't anything that saving and loading couldn't fix, not sure what caused it though. This was really well made! Details like the text not appearing abruptly line by line unlike the typical Inky smooth fade in, the custom font, and the sound design made this a really polished experience. Lucy was adorable even as a hell demon, and the pacing until the end was well timed. I liked caring for Lucy even if they weren't always up for my pets or being fed, and twists like the star they draw being a pentogram was fun! Very nice.

Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it :3

Definitely wanted better visuals but I got sleepy ehe

After working on the old murder game for a while I decided it wasn't getting anywhere that I could be satisfied with it before the due date so I restarted!

fuckig. dolpin.

I'm definitely invested in Kyoya as a character, but I feel like he wasn't communicated as well as he's developed through this exploration of him. I feel like I didn't get to know much of his motives or ideologies, and what I did learn of his past & present I feel wasn't enough to piece those parts of himself together with context. I did like the contrast between his edgier appearance and being in a band with enjoying desserts and being from a temple. This was also very effective in giving a glimpse into the average days of his life, and I like that juxtaposed with his parents suddenly dying. If I didn't know this was part of a larger project, I'd say that the timing of the death was poor considering it's just dropped on you and then the game ends, but it now makes me interested in the rest of  your thesis. Hope it goes well for you :3

I'm not really sure if the story is just super short or if I missed something, but the endings I reached felt really bluntly cut off and weirdly timed. The dialogue also felt clunky and unnatural at times which isn't helped by the couple of grammar/spelling issues. I also didn't feel much when it was revealed that I was also one of the subjects at the school since I had it in my mind I was a normal human who got isekai'd into the school of subjects. I think focusing on the conversation between yourself and mr math would've been a better path to take in production rather than your internal thoughts. It was also hard to tell when I was talking to mr math versus when I was thinking to myself, so I may be getting some story beats off, which is why the dialogue felt so choppy. 

Otherwise, I like the concept of personified subjects running/living in a school. It's a really unique concept that interested me a lot the moment the blue haired guy introduced himself as "math". It'd be cool to see more of it with more visuals, considering mr math is supposed to be hawt I wanna see him :3.

The visuals were good, I liked the atmosphere created by the coloring and pixelated style. The animation of the shadow dude coming in was a good touch, and I liked Maggie's talking and moving eyes.

I'm really interested to hear more details of the world this takes place in, as the information I get during Maggie and the shadow thing's conversation seem to hint at this futuristic/techy, fleshed out world of corporate greed and people fighting as a means to survive. I relate to and empathize with Maggie's emotions, though I feel like they could've been communicated with slightly better pacing. My main issue is that there seems to be no real resolution for this story, as Maggie is still frustrated with herself and the shadow thing is still worried for her, there was just no character progression. The progression of the story was more just learning about the world Maggie lives in rather than Maggie's emotions changing and resolving. Though I assume there was some development there that was cut out for time's sake, and the rest of the world building helped remedy parts that were lacking.

I didn't see its name, but I got the ending where I woke up as a vegetable in a hospital, and then played again and got the Wonderland ending a bunch of times. I was trying to get the third ending, but couldn't find a way to get to it. 

I thought the narrative and language here was really vivid and engaging, I like the eerie atmosphere and the resolution of what I actually want (escaping) ends up being terrible for me (vegetative state) was not what I expected, but compelling either way. The characterization of the void character was fun and I liked the options I was able to choose. The candle mechanic was fun and added a layer of complexity to it that made me want to play again. The visual style was also nice, I liked the dreamy glowing feeling of everything, and things like the chromatic aberration camera flare on the lit up candles were a good touch.

The only issue I had with it is some of the inky formatting. Sometimes the lines wouldn't clear and then the options I had to pick from weren't accessible to me and I would have to go from my last save and try it all over again or and I couldn't just continue down that route I wanted to since the options were obstructed. Also, it would've been cool if the background was darker considering the game takes place in complete darkness.

Even though I know what happens since I played this last week, I felt chills the first time the life changed. I think you did a good job improving the Iris and Jasmine opening section, though I was the one who gave you suggestions on it lol. Pacing was good, I liked that some lives were much shorter than others since it hammers in that it's not time-based (like every day is a new life) but rather when you find any joy in it. I got the negative ending my first two times, and it wasn't until I chose the more neutral options when the lives changed that I even realized there was another happier ending where I find contentment with the joys of different lives. When that did happen it felt satisfying for me to scroll down and see the description you've put here. Very nice thumbs up emoji.

I really liked this one :3 Atmosphere and language was good, great pacing. I truly felt on edge and there was enough incentive for me to leave before mr guy came home even though I knew I could get more information if I went into his room. I ended up replaying a bunch to find the different endings, and mr guy's characterization is really interesting to me. I like you didn't make him malicious or evil, but he was scared of me in some endings, and he seemed to regret harming me in the one where I die. The descriptions of the corpses and mice contrasting with his behavior makes me more curious about the church's lore and other worldbuilding that could exist beyond the game. Epic gaming.

Visuals are great, good job on that! I liked the humor in the dialogue and the interactions between myself and Rina. Her characterization is well communicated. I believe I ended up with the ending where we didn't become tag partners, but I still felt satisfied with my experience.



I play as someone trying to factory reset a computer program that found resuscitating some low productivity crew members to be suboptimal and let them die. The program stands up for itself, comparing my following orders to its conducting programming, and at the end pleads with me to not kill it essentially.

When the program began to beg to not die it felt like I was pulling the plug on a human hospital patient at least for a moment before ultimately shutting it down. The humanization of the computer program was very effective in making me feel the moral dilemma of shutting it off for doing something it was programmed to do, though its pleading did seem somewhat abrupt as it was kind of stoic about the situation up until that point.

The font choice is perfect and the sounds feel like I am for real in some sort of computer lab trying to shut this bitch off.

I am a mini-person/lilliputan navigating around the giants' house. I played around enough to get I believe 4/6 endings, the most memorable of which being PASTA!! because I was not expecting to get twirled like pasta, maybe just get squished again instead.

The visuals and sound are key to the game, as seeinng things from the POV of a lilliputan put things into perspective of how small I am. The background music helps create a tense atmosphere, and the sound effects compliment whatever's goin on with the visuals as well. I do wish the squishing animation looped, or at least looped faster if I was maybe too impatient to wait for it to loop, but it's mostly because I wanted to see it again and I understand through hindsight it's hard to synch the squish sound to the animation visual.

I'm on a date with Sybil, who seems to be a cannibalistic seductor/tress. I learn more about them through observing and talking, and I ended up getting eaten by them in my first playthrough. Second time around I got an offer from them to essentially be their sex slave (?) in exchange for not being eaten.

The only issue I had was that the option for exploring some choices would disappear before I could get to them, and games like this I really enjoy going through every choice possible before continuing. However, this did help move the story along at a reasonable pace, and overall the game was still satisfying.

The red text, dim background, and jazzy music all play really important roles in setting the mood of the game. I felt a mix of tension in the mystery of Sybils character and calmness from being in a warm, familiar restaurant. 

The part where I'm able to choose my steak to be cooked "blue" was interesting because I've never heard that term before and thought it was just a joke option, but it's apparently real and exactly as Sybil describes it. They also imply they're not human in this interaction which made me more invested in their character afterwards.

I'm a little girl named Lia who writes in her journal about living on a remote island with her family in future climate crisis times. The ending I reached is when I drew a picture of a bake sale I had with my family.

The drawing was cute! It felt like a real kid drew it with the weird proportions and crayon texture. I liked how hopeful Lia was about her parents saving the world and things getting better even though she lives in what most people of our time fear the upcoming generations living in. 

The part where some of the options don't disappear when exploring them (I flipped between talking to mom and talking to dad a good couple times) confused me a bit because to my knowledge you were just writing in your diary, not necessarily actively doing things in the day, so having repeated options made me think something was wrong. 


I play as someone wandering a dream(?) looking for a friend, but still ending up alone in the end.

My biggest issue is that the choice color went to black when hovering over it, which made it hard to read against the dark, moody background. Otherwise, the visuals help give a mysterious, brooding mood to the game, and the ambiguity in the language and some visuals help give intrigue.

I play as someone who was hired to help poor socially inept Tod make some friends, and succeed as he's made a friend in Roger at the end. The actual gameplay is the same despite getting either the "yay thanks for helping" type ending or the "your payment is the satisfaction of helping" type ending, of which I got both.

I really enjoyed the AV aspects of this game. I like how they were integrated into the gameplay with the sun only being added due to my complaining of there being nothing but a white void. The quails' sounds and little expressions were very cute and helped me feel more invested in trying to help Tod make friends.

I'm working late when suddenly a mystery dude comes into the store and I try flirting with him and eventually get his number. The first time I played through I actually got fired because I let the store get broken into and trashed.

The visuals were nice and the consistency with only greyscale and pixel graphics made everything feel cohesive. Especially with having the text be light grey instead of pure white, it sells the "dark mysterious night and strange encounter" type feel. The game itself is just short and sweet.

I miss mr baldurs gate man (I don't remember who it was from last week's demo version but I remember baldurs gate).

I'm following the story of Liam, a 2nd grade kid who isn't interested much in other kids at school but just likes watching birds outside the window. Considering this is WIP right now, whatever "ending" I got is just where your work ends, and things that hindered my gameplay like unfinished dialogue or choice branches will be fixed.

I do like the idea of following a kid who befriends birds, it's cute and simple but with enough flavor to keep you enticed. 

I play as a high schooler who is actually the chosen one for a world called Cloud City and I'm destined to save them. I wasn't able to find the branch in time, so the city got destroyed.

The pictures helped give some visuals, but the game overall is just an outline in this state, so I can't say too much about the actual gameplay.

The storyline itself doesn't personally interest me much, as the way it's currently presented it feels very basic in the "I'm a teenager who is the chosen one and needs to save the world without having any qualifications to do so" way, and there's not enough characterization of the protag or people of Cloud City to make me feel more invested in it or look past its cliches. It would be interesting to at least see a twist on the chosen one genre where the protagonist is more reluctant about being the chosen one, or that Cloud City is something they're hallucinating fully (which seemed to be kind of hinted at?). This is just my personal take however, and the direction the story goes is ultimately up to you :3

I'm starting work at a new company with a boss who seems cool at first but ends up being creepy and weird. First time I played through I ended up dying to the suit men, when I played through again I got to the police station and lived.

There's one point where the "sweet" choice for boss's smile can't be seen or reached because I believe you have your overflow hidden in css.

The sound effects really helped sell the both the office and woods moods, and the screaming was effective in making me feel tense or scared during certain parts of the story.

The boss's creepy ass smile was well selected because it made me cringe hard and I didn't even care that much that I couldn't pick the sweet option bc it's purely creepy to me.

I'm a robot talking with someone named Layla about random things until Layla discovers that Palladium, an area important to her, has been destroyed. The ending I got implies that Layla commits suicide due to Palladium being destroyed.

The game's cover art is nice, and the graphic that shows Palladium in ruins helps visualize it further than being just a simple text conversation game. I also enjoyed having Layla talk about things she liked such as starstalks or kult-kult.

The naming conventions of the two characters, while they make sense (Bt = bastion terminal, pt = person terminal?) look very similar to each other visually and there are some times where I have a hard time keeping track of who says what. There's also some typos that some others mentioned, but they can be very easily fixed.

Loved this game it's actually quite fun and it's impressive you got it out in 2 days! It's really satisfying to punch away the spiders.

mr worldwide pitbul

Love the sprites they're so cute & I like that you have two different types of obstacles!

I like ur custom background it's very nice and adds to the game's vibes :3

The contrast between the reason my partner wants to break up and the heavy dramatic tone of the conversation killed me actually. I wish the conversation was drawn out a little more because I think it would make the comedic twist reveal even funnier, but otherwise this was a fun one. As someone in a long term relationship, the beginning conversation feels appropriately tense and heavy, but spending $50 on tied up Miguel seems perfectly reasonable.

I enjoyed this one I love collecting ingredients and brewing potions it scratches an itch in my monkey brain. I got the medical master ending. I think the ways in which you get the ingredients are engaging, especially the one with the wild animal because I really felt immersed in the whimsical fantasy setting. Some parts of the game were a little disorienting, like how I need to kinda backtrack through the text to leave town which makes me feel like I've entered town for the first time again when leaving the apothecary. I'm also able to use a healing potion on the wild animal before going into town and buying one. I assume I had one on me beforehand, but it feels like I was supposed to buy one before I met the animal.

as per your feedback <3

I liked the atmosphere of this one, I like apocalyptic settings and this one feels somewhat hopeful at the end rather than only negative "the world is ending" connotations. I found it strange that going east or west rather than making camp landed me in the same coffee shop, and I wish it at least felt like the choices I made had more impact than they do now. I would say they need to have more impact on the outcome, but I'm sure no one did more than like 3 endings, and I liked the vibe of this one anyways.

I like the twist of learning that I'm the robot that's the last of her kind, but I wish it wasn't also in the description that I'm the last of my kind because having both those pieces of information learned in the game would be cool. Idk which ending it is, but it's the one where I ask Layla to wander together with me.

I was kinda freaked out from this bc mr. 10 shots of espresso was legit creepy, but I played through enough to get (what I believe to be) all the endings. I like that most of the time you get out with your life. I kinda wish there were more chances for me to make choices, but the choices I can make feel impactful.