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Brad's Games

A member registered Oct 26, 2014 · View creator page →

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Damn this is so amazing, I think this hands down my favourite entry of the jam. Puzzles, mood audio and voice acting are all great!

Congrats! Hope to see more in the future. :)

So awesome, I played this from a little cafe and loved it. So impressive what you achieved with the time given, looking forward to seeing future updates. The screen transitions and zooming around feel really cool!

Great work. :D

It's all good and totally understandable given the time given! You guys did a great job either way. :)

Nice one! Looking forward to it. :)

Great work, the music for the game is really atmospheric I dig it a lot! Would love to see a bit of a wider resolution on itch to be able to see the full game. Zooming in or going full screen does the trick though.

Looking forward to future updates. :)

Colours in the skybox look really nice! Awesome work, looking forward to future updates. :)

(1 edit)

Amazing, love the lizard people themes in this. So cool! Really impressive you managed to implement a leaderboards system too.

Looking forward to updates and polish in the future. :)

So cute and really awesome job getting the traversal onto different planets to work, feels so cool! The lighting casting in front of the player character is also a really nice touch.

Looking forward to seeing more in the future. :D

Really awesome asteroid esque game! Great work implementing leaderboards, looking forward to future updates. :)

Moving left and right feels really nice, you did a good job of the second to second experience there! Reminds me a little bit of a game by Juicy Beast called Knightmare Tower in places which is cool!

Only feedback I have is maybe it'd be nice to know how many hits the player character can take before they have to try again either with some UI or an indicator on the player character itself. I also tried to get to a state/theme change in the environment but I couldn't get that far, I guess I need to git gud! :D Would love to see more parallax layers added in the foreground as a future update too perhaps.

Either way great game! :)

Amazing shmup! Really dig the way you handled selecting upgrades. Only bit of feedback I have is that I'd love to see some camera shake to amp up the game feel a touch as a future update.

Awesome work either way! :D

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Great interpretation to the theme. Art direction, music mood and styling is really well done. Beautifully consistent and I love the particle system that omits when clicking, feels so nice. :)

Really great interpretation to the theme! Congrats on your first ever game and game jam entry! The first of many more games I hope! :)

(1 edit)

Yo this is amazing! Such an cool concept and the music is so sick. Looking forward to seeing where you guys take it. :)

Yo great to see another rhythm game entry for the jam! <3

Really awesome interpretation to the theme and your gameplay feels so solid. I felt a bit of a flow state at one point. As a player I do tend to skip over pages of text and just try to jump in to check out the gameplay so I originally thought the game was a text adventure and so I was pleasantly surprised to find a rhythm game after clicking through a bunch of pages. :D

Hope you manage to get up a thumbnail for the game soon! 

Yo thanks for the kind words! This is really helpful feedback. :)

(3 edits)

So beautiful, the colours, music and art direction is very strong so far! Love the 2.5D direction.

Only bit of feedback I have is that I do feel like the black / grey colours of the text and buttons in some of the other areas in the game bring the standard down just a touch. Would love to see some more consistency in the UI there!

I also noticed that when rotating the camera around in certain directions it can cause the player character to appear really thin and sometimes disappear entirely. Unsure if this was a stylistic choice but I wonder how it'll feel with the player character always rotates to face the camera in a billboarding manner.

Either way awesome work on the game! Hope to see a jump animation added in a future update. :D

Nice to see a UoS entry in this jam. Awesome little game you made, the gameplay is really solid so far and 20 levels is really quite impressive. Hope the team keep updating the game in the future. My only bit of feedback would be that I'd love to see some audio added for NPC dialogue, hit reactions, collecting stars and button presses! A trail renderer on the projectiles might also be cool but that's just icing on the cake really.

Congrats on the entry! :)

Amazing! :D

The music reminds me of the Amelie soundtrack for some reason. Beautiful work, well done.

Very interesting work, respect.

Amazing as always. :)

Yo thanks so much! <3

Yo thanks so much for taking the time to play the game! :D

Thank you so much! :D

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Yo thanks so much for playing and uploading!

Thank you kindly! :D

thank you so much! 😍

Thanks Terry! Hope you're well mate. :)

(1 edit)

Lovely work Marianne. :)

Yo thanks a lot! :D

Thanks so much for the video! We've got plans for a bigger world in the works! :)

- Meow meow meow

Thanks so much for the kind words, tell your friends! <3

- Meow meow meow

Thank you so much for the kind words! All the embroidery was handmade by Camille and thrown into a game engine. :)

- Meow meow meow

So awesome Terry! Would love to provide art for one of your games one day.

Thank you kindly! :D

Thank you so much, tell your cat friends!

- Meow meow

Thank you so much, tell your friends! :D

- Meow meow