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A jam submission

B.E.A.T. - Bureau of Extraterrestrial Acoustic TransmissionsView game page

Decode alien transmissions which sample the Voyager Golden Record
Submitted by 55gg — 14 hours, 5 minutes before the deadline
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Norwich Games Festival Attendance

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I like this game, especially the name; excellent job! It is very polished, and I like the curved monitor effect. What would be an interesting addition would be if there was a randomised version so that the notes the player has to select would be placed in different places. It would add some more replayability. I'm not sure if this was intentional, but in the later levels, the text that pops up usually says "miss" or "perfect" doesn't appear other than that brilliant game!   

(1 edit)

This is the most creative concept for any rhythm game I've ever played and the only one I've seen that veers away from the typical instrument-playing fare. The main gameplay looks and plays great, but it can be confusing to newbies like myself as to how the audio waveform is in the middle, making it look like another row of notes you have to deal with. Maybe the availability of more graphical (text-based, of course! 😊) instructions could've helped. As for the menu, eh, it's alright. What it needed there to make it really pop was some music and graphical enhancements, like higher-quality punch holes and maybe a desk in the background, as well as maybe some better shading to match.


this is so fun and well made!


Yo great to see another rhythm game entry for the jam! <3

Really awesome interpretation to the theme and your gameplay feels so solid. I felt a bit of a flow state at one point. As a player I do tend to skip over pages of text and just try to jump in to check out the gameplay so I originally thought the game was a text adventure and so I was pleasantly surprised to find a rhythm game after clicking through a bunch of pages. :D

Hope you manage to get up a thumbnail for the game soon! 


This is my pick of the jam! Loved the music and the overall aesthetic!

Felt like the first two tracks had more feedback and were more intuitive to get into the rhythm of but enjoyed the otherworldly nature of the last two.

Definitely put up a thumbnail though, the visuals are stunning and it's criminal that people may pass over it because of the lack of an image!

Submitted (2 edits)

Really impressive game! I love the style and it's a really unique take on rhythm games. 

The controls seemed well thought out, I never felt lost on what keys to press since they have tactile bumps. I also appreciate having two keys for each hand for faster parts. The mapping always felt like it fit the song which is sometimes an issue with rhythm games. The gameplay got decently hard as well! I loved the songs especially that they were made for this jam, they had a nice variety too.

The text at the beginning adds loads of flavour but it made me unsure of what I was going into - like this might be a text heavy game. The instructions were great though, I loved the ascii art :)

I also noticed the timings only showed on the easy song - not sure if that was an intentional decision but even if you're playing hard songs it's really important to get feedback so you know what you're doing is right or wrong.

It's also a shame there's no thumbnail image since this game is easily one of the best looking games in the jam and really stands out.

Overall great game! Looking forward to what you make next :)