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A member registered Sep 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Man... It's a great game! However,  controversial to popular belief, I don't think local multiplayer should be added to the demo. It should be in the full game. If not, people can just run off with the demo.

Aside from that, beautiful game. Great Developer

This game sucks so bad!!11!111! BadDev LMAO xd xd xd

oh crap.

I really enjoyed this game! The boss took me quite a while to beat, but I guess the difficulty adds to the on the edge theme since you're always on the edge of your seat while playing this

true... I did just make the game in 6 hours right before the submit time. And That too without any planning haha. Sorry for any inconvenience!

Love this updat

The game just keeps getting better! Thanks for the support guys!

(1 edit)

The game is still unde progress. Anyone willing to help with the creation can feel free to reach out to me on my youtube channel!

I can't compete with this... this is AWESOME!