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A member registered Oct 31, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Group 1- The feel and look is great, but it is unclear what the goal is oftentimes. It is very indepth though!

Group 1- The AI is extremely difficult to hit and the menus could use some polish, but you have a fun idea on your hands that I would love to see be fully realized

Group 1- Great game! Only complaint is that the speed boost is completely uncontrollable. But still very fun!

Group 1: This was a massive improvement from Pirate Game 1. But seriously, the gameplay was very fun and the assets made this feel very professional. I love having platformers that allow me to string stuff together. Where Part 3?

(1 edit)

Group 1 - Very impressive visuals, but takes a very long time to load. Unfortunately, we did not have a mouse so we were unable to use the weapons well. It did not seem like we could die, but that might be game design.

Very visually appealing and great menus. Some framerate issues in browser, but still a fun experience. Sound is a bit quiet though!