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A member registered Mar 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you :)

Thank you so much! 

I am happy you enjoyed the cozy coffee cove and figured out the recipes :) 

Hey thanks for playing, and for the feedback :) 

The money indeed is broken and the speechbubble dosn't even has collision so yeah, you always pick the coffee or nuts behind the option ^^ 

We also hope that we can fix that in a few days hehe

Thanks for the feedback and for playing!

I wrote a passage on the game's page about the lack of the ending and our initial plan - if you are interested in what have could been :D 

For us this was the first jam, and maybe first game ever where we had more art assets than we could implement - so technically there are all the assets and designs for the ending and the money but yeah - ran out of time.

I also agree that the recipes part needs a bit more polish eventually.

haha oh nooo - I dont think your coffee was that bad - could have been a bug. However if you befriend animals they stop showing up in the current version - so if you befriended everyone no one will show up eventually ^^ 

Its a bit odd and I hope we can fix that in the future.

Thanks for playing and the nice feedback!

not bad not bad

I like the (f)art, especially the planets.

I would love to have some kind of safety if you jump out into space without hitting a planet - maybe falling back to where you came from or so ... 

Wow - very very cool! 

You are a devil to use the - what is it Samsung alarm sound? That completely devastated the cozy vibes and I always rushed to the bedroom first to turn it of.

Super nice sound and art - I also like the little story you are telling. Well done, keep it up! 

A T M O S P H E R E 

I like how you really managed to achieve the "less is more" theme with this one - after I realized that it is just this small world I started to embrace it and - wow.

Really nice work for your first finished game :) The ambience sound and the slight change with the rain-sound at the big lad are very well executed! Love the Cat, too!

Keep it up

I got 666 score ^^

Took me forever to understand that 1 is a leafblower - I thought it was a chainsaw and so in my first tries I just failed at the leaves.

Nice game all in all - good job!

The Fish-Hat is amazing :D

Very nice game - a lot of story, which is nice. 

Took me a bit to understand the learning mini-game tho...

Great job overall :) 


So clear and well made! It has story and character, and now I need to find my Boccia-Set in the basement to play with friends later today. I really like how every day feels a bit different.

Very nice work for 72h with 2 people.

Very nice for a small jam-game! 

Love the artstyle and the puns everywhere.

Can I get another beer boss?

Yeah, the confusing part - there are some rough edges due to time reasons and crazy scope ideas on Sunday haha - we created the recepie book to kinda hint towards what is what.

We are going to work on that a little more in due time - thank you for playing and giving feedback anyways :) 

Thank you - I can only say the same about your game :)

I tried something new with the colours and I am super proud how it turned out hihi

thank you - that is sweet to hear from the creator of the coziest game I have played so far :) 

Instructions were definitely on the list but didn't made the cut on Sunday evening ^^ 

I am glad you could figure it out anyways and enjoyed the game.

thanks :))

There are labels on all of the ingredients - the drink that was ordered is a bit hard to read tho ... I hope we can fix that with a bit more time in a few days.

Thanks for playing - love your game! 

Ayoo! Thank you that is super nice to hear :)

thank you - yeah we too definetly we even have some assets that were produced during the weekend but that did not make it into the build yet.

There is definitely more to come! 

We think the card problem could be caused by changing between full screen and not-full-screen during runtime... 

Thank you so much!!

We kinda ran out of time on the last day haha 

I am glad to see that you didn't give up and eventually figured it out :D

Very emotional at the end :) 

Thank you! 

It's so simple and cozy, wow.

Amazing work - thank you! 

Amazing - it made me smile and water all my plants.

The Extreme-Mode is crazy and I love how the music changes if your plant is not doing so well! Great Job.

I wonder how it would feel if you have to manage more than one plant at a time ... :D 


The brightness change in the background is a bit distracting sometimes. For my taste the courses are a bit long - its fun and tense in the beginning, if you manage to get first place however the rest of the race is pretty lonely.

And did I cheat by loosing my cart? Running out of energy makes you lose your cart and go extra fast ^^

but why so many apples? 

very cool concept!

You could add a way to see or sense leaves  that are off-screen. 

Oh and maybe a way to control which leaf to switch to next.

10/10 soup explosion

I am a bit sad that I could not make a vegan soup ...


haah I enjoyed it :D 
Didn't really feel the "wind enemy" part tho?
Is it getting more difficult over time or if you play multiple rounds? 



I was forced to play this amazing game ... 

Very nice - played this during online lecture ^^ 

Hey thank you! We had a blast working away on art and music!! There actually are like three "maps" and no real level system ^^ but it was on our list hehe. We made different textures for the different layouts - one way of improving would be to implement our assets to unity and build the maps in engine xD but yeeah maybe sometime in the future :)

This actually was the first game I played after submitting. Really liked the "Asteroids" vibe and the borderless map style. 

The ship was hard to manouver right, maybe a bit to hard - the overall idea of pushing something with these Asteroids mechanics where quite nice though !

Haha yeah the barrel was like our last addition to the game :D The idea was to have something stopping players from just cutting away hehe. And to add some of the real world shipbreaking dangers.

It's nice. The thrid stage is impossible though xD there are to many moving parts!!

Super precise plattformer control! It's a cool start for a larger game maybe :D I liked the mushroom checkpoints!

It's a fun small game indeed. The dice trhwoing could be more prominent but the overall board game feel seels quite well. 

Really cool concept! I could spent days solving more of these during boring meetings and such :) I imagine a mobile version with haptic feedback for every dot you move over :D