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A member registered Oct 28, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hey Lee. I'm on the late bus too :( Can you e-mail me?

Edit: Nvm will e-mail as instructed, sorry.

My gamedev partner and I sat down to discuss the jam results, what aspects of our own game we like and dislike, and some other parts of working on this and past games. This is our first ever podcast, and we dive into game development, introspection on creative projects, and just some talk about games we love and why.  Hopefully this is interesting/helpful to someone. Great work everyone! We'll see you next year. :)

Hey! I think this is a great idea. In fact, my gamedev partner and I did a sort of postmortem/review/discussion in podcast form. This is our first ever podcast, but I think it was fairly interesting, and I tried to make sure the audio quality was half decent. Let me know if you find it helpful/interesting or if you have any other feedback to share.

Thanks for checking it out, and thanks for your feedback!


Thank you!

I actually never played Commander Keen! I'll have to check it out.

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Thanks for your feedback! :) I agree with most of your points.

We would have loved to do more original artwork, but we got a late start (total game was completed in ~12 days, as can be seen here: Luckily, Eric (the artist on the game) was able to whip up some pretty awesome original content for some things, like the Tetris door, the main player sprite, etc.

I'm still no expert when it comes to Unity physics programming (something I really want to spend more time on), but we tried to go for a high level of polish on most aspects of the game. We spent ~10 days on mechanics and had almost no levels, and once we were happy with the general feel of things, quickly whipped up some levels with inspiration from some of our favorite classic platformers. For instance, one of the level designs was my idea, and if you look closely, you can see it is heavily inspired by original Super Mario Brothers, World 1-2 (the first underground level.)

All credit to Eric for the explosive death animation. :)