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BitGlint Games

A member registered Sep 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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Keep going Bob, still following your amazing efforts :o)

Thanks, a lot of love certainly went into it. Knowing the map is key to being successful in the game. Good luck, I would love to see any maps you do create.

Thanks, glad to hear you like it. One day I'll have a tinker with other Linux versions, just got too much other stuff going on at the moment :o)

Sounds like good progress Bob.

Looks like you don't have the Visual C runtime files installed. Try this link to install them, then try KO99 again...

Thanks for the offer, that's very kind of you. The game doesn't currently support language selection but it's something I'll add if I go back to it at any point.

Interesting update Bob. Imagine if that 209 bug happened at random times in random rooms? That might well have finished you off! :o)

Yes PC Zone was a great magazine back then.

Yeh that was me in the article. Long time ago now! :o)

That's odd. Melkhior's uses a slightly earlier version of Monogame. It uses 3.8.0, whereas Undrium uses 3.8.1. Perhaps it's something to do with that. I'll look into it when I have some time.

Cool game ;o)

Stared coding it late 1998, so the code is just over 25 years old.

No sorry, not with this old thing, the code is too old and can be problematic on modern versions of Windows.

Haha, errrrr, don't get your hopes up on that one! ;o)

Possibly, I'll take a look at the Flathub documentation. I'd never heard of it until you mentioned it.

Loving it so far Bob. It's an amazing effort and also quite humbling to see someone putting so much time into squeezing our game onto the beloved (but limited!!) Spectrum. Slightly mad of course, but at least you're not attempting a ZX81 version :o)

Oh yeh of course, it'll be DirectX 11, I'd forgotten about the SharpDX files. Yeh it's a hard game to start with, but becoming familiar with the map makes things easier. There's also a hints and tip page at if you're getting stumped. Anyway, glad you've got it running ok now, I'll add that GL build to the download list. Have fun! :o)

That's odd, not a problem I've seen before. It's written using Monogame, I'm not sure which version of DX that targets, a quick search doesn't reveal much. There is no DX switch. I've just compiled an OpenGL version for Windows if you'd like to try it.  The link is

Thanks! :o)

Thanks! :o)

Thanks, glad you like it. I've got no plans to make any further changes to it though, sorry! :o

Just press the fire button to shoot a projectile at the monsters. The default key to fire is Z, or button A on a gamepad, but you can also redefine the keys. Press X to open chests, or button B. Again, this can be defined to a key of your choice.

Thanks for the info. I tested the game on Ubuntu 22.04 and I didn't have to do that. I'll upgrade the OS and see if I get the same problem that you're seeing.

Sorry, there are no cheats built in, gonna have to do it the hard way. :o)

Cheers Jonathan, hope you enjoy revisiting it. Weird that I've just been watching a video of Banger Management, all those sprites running so smoothly, looks amazing. ;o)

(1 edit)

Thanks for the mention.





Thanks, I'll watch that later, just gotta go sand down a door frame first! Thanks also the Melkhior's Mansion review last year. :o)

Ok cool, thanks for letting me know.

You're welcome. Thanks for those kind words. :o)

Sorry to hear that. Drop me an email and I'll see what I can do. My email address is here...  BitGlint Game

Thanks for the feedback, glad to hear you're enjoying it. That's a fair point regarding the tutorial. When you're developing a game, and playing it day in, day out, it's so easy to forget that someone completely new to it is not going to know these things. If I do another release, I'll extend that map to cover it. :o)

Ahh brilliant, enjoy the game. :o)

Glad to hear it, thanks for the feedback.

Sí, he subido un archivo zip Win32.

Ahh brilliant, glad to hear it works. Not sure what you mean by that thing on the "About" screen. Would you be able to email me a screenshot to the email address here... BitGlint Games