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Billy Markus

A member registered Feb 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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Just played! It's fun! The sprite custom art is great - the main doge looks really cool!

Aw man! Sorry you missed the deadline, I'll check your game out tho, thank you for your efforts and participation!

This is GREAT! I LOVE the different game styles, the art is nice and the gameplay is smooth! Well done!

This is so cool! I LOVE the retro N64 style graphics, such nostalgia! Great work! :)

This is cool! A lot of work went into this, thank you for the entry! :)

This is so cute!

Wow!! This is incredibly polished and pretty! Fun gameplay too! Well done! :)

Well done! Simple and fun, good graphics!

OMG the narrator is hilarious! Love the theme!

This is super quality and amusing! LOVE all the text and clever puns xD

Just played - this is REALLY GOOD! I will play with my housemate shortly :D

Whoa, this is crazy polished! Reminds me of Nintendogs shiba style. So much art! Thank you for the submission! :)

I love the art! The title screen is so cool! Nice work :D

This is so polished! I cracked up when I hit an asteroid, poor doge! xD

Much amuse! I made a medium fortune xD

I love this! Clever and fun, I love when it rains Dogecoin :)

This is fun! I love the 'womp womp' sound when losing xD My high score is only 40 so far but I want to get more!

I'm loving this! Frantic and fun! Feels like an old school nintendo game :D

Whoa, this is really polished!!! Awesome!!

Only 4 hours left in the Dogecoin game jam! Get those finishing touches in! The games look great so far! I'll be publicizing the entries tomorrow on Twitter and in the reddit dogecoin community!

I really like this! The sound effects are great and I love the way the shibe moves! :)

This is pretty! Much platforming! I'm glad I have fall guys skills :) Nicely done!

This is really pretty, impressive in 3D! Awesome stuff! :)

This is cool! I liked the cutscene, Jim made me laugh xD

Hahaha xD I couldn't poop on the whale in time and it got me! Much amuse :)

Oh wow, this is really polished and fun!

This was your first game ever? Impressive! :)

I love these ideas with the NASCAR and bobsled! So clever!

This is fun! An unexpected twist on the Breakout genre! :)

This is cute! Love the doge sprite and other art! :)

This looks really fun! Can't wait to try it! :)

This looks really cool!!

Web build is required! Too much risk to ask people to run an executable in the crypto space :)

Oo, RPG Maker MV :D I haven't gotten too far yet but this is amusing so far!

I think it's awesome that you guys are learning game dev via this jam :D Kudos!

Haha! It made me feel like scrooge mcduck swimming through all his money :)

Much amuse! :)

This is cute! Love the dogecoin moon background!