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A member registered May 05, 2023

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the game seems great so far and I can't wait to see more, but it feels a bit too open for my kinda world. Like, I've been wandering around for about 30 minutes and while I have found Talia it feels like I'm missing something in the early areas as the only enemies I can find are waaaaay too strong for me to realistically fight

just because there isn't too much doesn't mean there isn't any

I know, just saying I like em together the most

also I did find the golden statue thing, very shrink

I definitely liked the shrinking curse gimmick, but I feel it could be expanded upon in a more than cosmetic way. Currently shrinking stops at a certain point and doesn't actually impact the player, so I'd recommend things like traps that only trigger once you're small enough, or some kind of combat system that gets harder the more you shrink (so like, rats are an easy enemy and you can just squash spiders but once you get small enough then rats become more of a challenge and spiders can actually hurt you) though given it's supposed to be a puzzle game I don't think a combat system in required. The puzzles could also be harder,  since currently they're just taking one statue to another (pretty obvious) place. Sylvia was alright, but I didn't really like her that much.  Going off the size combat idea from earlier, maybe Sylvia could help you in fights once you get too small, but the catch is that every time you get her help she gets crueller, and if she's too cruel then she starts messing with you in dangerous ways until she just kills you once you're too small. Either way, a sort of morality scale for her would be cool

I like it! Do you think there'll be more content / an update eventually?

nice! I loved the first game, looking forward to seeing how this one turns out

yeah, neato. If you're going to have secret bosses then I don't reckon a difficulty mode is necessary, especially if finding them feels as rewarding as finding the hidden bunker without a guide. Love the game so far, it's definitely one of my favourite size games already!

I think the best option for 1 would be to have a sort of easy / hard mode. it doesn't need to be too complicated, just reducing how much ammo you find would be good so then players can have a choice, but ideally you could do something like how Terraria (if you know what that is) handles expert mode, in that bosses are harder but they drop powerful / gimmicky items. maybe I'm putting too much thought into this though lol

this game is awesome, and I seriously can't wait for the full thing!

This might seriously be the best size game I've ever played, and can't wait for chapter 3

also Niven and Maeve is the correct relationship don't @ me