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I think the best option for 1 would be to have a sort of easy / hard mode. it doesn't need to be too complicated, just reducing how much ammo you find would be good so then players can have a choice, but ideally you could do something like how Terraria (if you know what that is) handles expert mode, in that bosses are harder but they drop powerful / gimmicky items. maybe I'm putting too much thought into this though lol

I give a lot of ammo to player because I don't want the demo to be too hard, will definitely adjust amount of ammo in the future version. 

Not sure will make difficulty mode but planning to put in a lot of hidden bosses.

Thanks for playing and the feedback!


yeah, neato. If you're going to have secret bosses then I don't reckon a difficulty mode is necessary, especially if finding them feels as rewarding as finding the hidden bunker without a guide. Love the game so far, it's definitely one of my favourite size games already!