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Ben James

A member registered Aug 08, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! Glad it's better now.

Thanks! I think you have to mouse click the screen after going into full screen mode to refocus the window. Not much I can do about that.

Possibly - depends if people like it enough.

Okay, thanks I'll take a look at that. Glad you had fun!

It's A & B for acclerate and brake though I could easily add triggers as an alternative. Thanks for the suggestion!

Thanks - yes it's 5 levels split into 25 screens each. 125 screens in all same as the original.

Not sure it's running properly in my laptop. Am getting really low fps depending on settings; 10-20fps. Hopefully this can be optimised because I'm really excisted to get into this properly!

Defold engine which uses lua scripting.

I'm in my 8th year of using Defold and it's been a good ride. It's excellent for 2D games particularly and definitely worth considering.

You need to drag the arrow out further.

(1 edit)

The game is actually open source. If you want to build a particular version for yourself, you can get the source project here:

Well done! You found the only way out.

Defold engine

Thanks! I'm happy you enjoyed. Have added a download link for you.

Yeah, turned off vsync at fixed refresh rate to 60hz. Glad it's working now

Thanks for the bug report. Have uploaded a new version that *might* correct it. Let me know if it does!

There might be an issue if you're using a 144hz monitor. I'm not sure how to fix it.

I did everything except the music.

Thanks, glad you liked it! Not my music, link here -

Now you mention it, it would be possible to lose a key if you pick up another of the same color before using the first one. I'll update the game so you can't do that. Thanks for the feedback!

Sorry that happened to you! I don't know why. Glad you enjoyed the game nonetheless.

Yes; as with the original, this version has 125 'zones' after which the game is completed.

I've created a new project but when I try to upload a thumbnail or screenshot I get stuck in either an endless timer loop or a 'broken image' graphic.

My mistake! Thanks for the report - that should be fixed now.

Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks

(1 edit)

Full project files for a number of my games is on github here:

Great stuff! Thanks for posting and well done for seeing it through to the end!

Thanks for the suggestion! Have added gamepad support now.

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Thanks for playing and glad you enjoyed! Also thanks for the bug report - have just uploaded a fix.