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A member registered Apr 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi there!!

I am a novice when it comes to game-making. I use Godot and I'm mainly a programmer, But when it comes to artistic skill, I fall flat. Since I do not have interest in creating art, and I don't want to copy assets from online and slap them together into something unoriginal. I also want to meet new people and collaborate with them, and break out of my shell so to speak(since I'm an introvert). So I am looking for an artist at a beginner or a novice level(not newbie). I am not looking fora expert artist since I don't think they might want to collaborate with me, but also I don't want them to hurt my ego and pride. I am keeping this super short since I don't like filler.

Cheers! :)

Whoops a daisy! Forgot to call jump sound in the game and not defining the source code properly. I have fixed this issue in Update 1.1.1. Silly things happen :D

Thanks Yang for running the jam. It has been an awesome jam. I enjoyed it because it was a month long unlike other jams which gave me a lot of time to make the game and also it welcomed beginners like me.  Please run another jam like this later.

People in the comments have been saying to put a smoother movement. Due to it, i have updated the game's player movement to be more smooth. Plus other things i have updated in an update called "Update 1.1".

Devlog of the update :

Thanks for reviewing the game! I know that the movement is not smooth. I am currently working on a smoother movement, so the game will be more fun to play.

Thanks for reviewing my game and criticizing the game! I know there are flaws in this game like you mentioned in your comment. I didn't know how to reset the game where you died and as for smoother movement, i thought that might make the game very hard to play.  I guess if people are suggesting it, i might put smoother movement later.

Thanks! I didn't thought of that.

Thanks. I thought that the speed might make the game frustrating.

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Thanks for reviewing the game! The problem with grey space maybe have to do with your OS because when i tested the game, there is no grey space. I don't really know what is the actual problem. Also IKR it is frustrating that the game restarts from tutorial level when you die. I don't know how to implement a code for resetting the player where he died, maybe have each level its own game over screen. I'm still a learning student in Godot  : D.

(1 edit)

Download 'GameSource' for the source


Hi, Community Jammers

I have a question that can i use free assets which require attribution?. I will credit them in my game. I have no problem with crediting people but i have to follow game jam's rules.