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Beau Thrice

A member registered Apr 16, 2018 · View creator page →

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Very cool! What did you use for the high scores?

Yeah I think for it to work well there needs to be good communication and probably a clear separation on who's working on what

Very simple yet fun game!

Oh man! That's unfortunate but I'm glad you still stuck with it and finished it!

Very cool to see a mobile style game! I want to eventually get into mobile stuff but  haven't had the time to try it. Very cool use of  controls too! Nice job

Interesting game but it didn't seem to follow the  mouse only prerequisite and it didn't feel very urban to me but I know that's all up for interpretation

I'm curious how many people worked as a team vs solo. I've always been interested in joining up and working together with someone but I just haven't found a good way to find people and not sure how well it works in these short jams.

Hope everyone had fun whether it was on a team or solo!

I liked this idea especially with the physics of the other cars crashing into you and making it harder to get the parker spots haha!

Very neat concept. I liked the choices I had to make between letting a car go or picking it up. I found being nervous of letting a car go in fear of one coming from off the screen. I think maybe an off screen indicator would help let players know when a car is about to enter.

Great job though!

Very cool idea. I really liked the physics. I  think there's a bug with the score because every new level it would set it to negative. I enjoyed the screen shake when things went BOOM! :D

Very interesting concept and the controls were unique. I found it took me a little bit to figure out the controls and the levels but honestly I think that was part of the fun. Great job on your game!

Well done! The controls were actually really good for only having mouse input. I wasn't expecting games like this because of it only being mouse but you did a great job. I think some sound effects or music could really kick it up a noch!

Graffiti! I love the mouse! I also really like how there's this constant battle of wanting to stop and spray graffiti but having to stay on the run haha! Well done! I also really like how you did hints for the controls during the level, that's a nice touch and I'm going to have to try that out and learn from that!

Very cool graphics and the music was intense! I found the controls a little awkward though. The gun firing and the push back was very nice touch though!

Very cool idea. I found that the car would sometimes stop moving towards my mouse. Maybe that was just related to playing it on the web though? I think some good sound effects or music would really spice it up!

Absolutely love the graphics! The music was fun as well! I found that it was a little too easy to hit things like the trash can. I was hoping for maybe like a double jump or just it being a little more forgiving when jumping over the items. Overall I like it though!

Very cool idea! I absolutely love the sound affects and the grid dropping in. Was the grid drop all done with shaders? Love it! Very cool idea as well for the theme!

(1 edit)

Very neat idea with the controls. I really liked how you used just the scroll wheel and it felt really good to control the card. One thing that I noticed is that the coins USUALLY spawn on top of the barricades so a lot of the coins were impossible to get which made it hard to earn coins. I like how it slowly got faster over time so it was easy to learn but it ramped up in difficulty

I really liked the off screen warning of the falling debris! This is something I recently learned with my game with giving map icons to guide the player towards objectives. I really like it as a warning signal when climbing in your game. I liked the controls especially controlling the wind! Music was great too

Thanks for your feedback! You do bring up an interesting point where it's kinda two games. The city driving and the match game. I wanted it to feel like one game and I'd be curious how you think that could be done better.

Fun game idea. I liked the arrow where it showed you were the next coin was. I think if it was more 2D or placed in a way that it was easier to see the direction it would be nice but for the most part I could read it. I like the controls especially the reverse where you hold both mouse buttons

I'm not sure if I missed something but I can't figure out the controls

Very fun idea and I love the graphics, especially the animations on the cat! I did find the controls a little hard to get used to but I think given the requirements for mouse only there wasn't a lot of wiggle room there. I also enjoyed the music!

Thanks for the feedback. I've updated the driving part to add off screen markers for both the cop and the closest tagging location. I hope that helps with the searching part!

I love the other feedback as well and I 100% agree with it. I spent a lot of time on building some of the basic stuff and didn't get around to adding things that I wanted to like power-ups and more game related things to make it more fun

I appreciate you taking the time to leave feedback, it's very valuable!

thanks for your feedback! I agree with all of it I just ran out of time trying to just get it running. I’ll probably do some updates soon. Thanks again for taking the time to play it and giving your feedback, it’s much appreciated!

I had a lot of fun with this one, specially the interactions with the sheep haha! I liked the warning symbols for when the lava hit!

The shooting is fun. I was hoping that I could shoot with a keyboard button, I'm not sure if that would work well but might be fun to try so I could move and shoot with just the keyboard.

I liked the animation on the lava balls

Very cool game. I enjoyed the upgrades and the shooting reminded me of paintball guns. I think I ran into a bug with the size of the grid upgrade at one point, it made the grid go away and I died.

It would be neat to see more level design with the blocks that you run on but overall it was a fun game

Very cool idea and I loved the little character! I also thought the behavior for making the character moved was pretty neat to see. How it would move left or right and jump up a block. The only confusing part at first for me was because it had tetris blocks I was expecting that I had to kinda match the colors. 

Great game idea! I loved how you had to think quickly to make sure you were making the right choice between when to break a rock.

Hey! I really like the graphics and the idea is really cool! I had a hard time figuring out the controls and the character seems kinda stuck when trying to move though.

Congrats on your first game!

Yes this is my first game that I've built with Gadot. I've dabbled a bit with Unity and Unreal but I'm finding that Gadot is really clicking for me so I've been reading and learning more about it. I'm also still learning about game design and how to make things fun. To also keep them challenging but not frustrating which is a hard line to stay on!

Thank you for your feedback and comments!

I agree! Game jams are definitely a time to try out new things and experiment! I played your tutorial and thought it was helpful on your game so I think it was definitely worth exploring!

Thanks again for your feedback! I love your assets by the way!

Nice job! Thanks for playing and taking the time to give feedback!

Thank you!

Thanks for your feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed the soundtracks!

Thanks for your feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed the music!

Thanks for playing my game and giving feedback! The lava looked more like JellO to me but I ran out of time trying to learn more about shaders so I could make it look more like lava haha

Thanks for your feedback! Several people have mentioned that the lava didn't deal damage as quick as they were hoping for. I was looking into ways of slowly making that harder over time but didn't have enough time to finish it. Thanks again for playing and giving feedback!

Thanks for the feedback! I don't have a ton of shader experience so that's on my list of goals to play around with more so I can get better looking graphics. The lava kinda reminded me of JellO haha. I also wanted to spend more time on level design so it didn't seem as reptitive and wanted to add things like powerups or moving obstacles  but time got the best of me.

Thanks again for your feedback!