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Bad Game Studios

A member registered Jul 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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It's also available on android for free, really only purchase it here if you want to support me and my future endeavors!


Thanks! I think I'm going to turn it into a mobile game after the rating period ends.

I definitely took inspiration from super meat boy for that gummy teethy smile, but everything was hand drawn in PS.

Cool cool

Right! Was there any other confusion?

Thanks! That means a lot :)

Did you see the instructions?

Thanks! Good point on the tutorial, I’ll fix that after the rating period.

Very well done! This game is funny and entertaining, and the art I see nice. Great job!

ohhh. Thanks!

Thanks for your input! Perhaps if I decide to polish this game after the jam I can look into some more proper sound design.

Thanks so much! Yeah I wasn't sure why the instructions button would stay selected, I changed the "pressed" sprite to just the words, but that didn't seem to work.

Very interesting concept! I would love to see some more levels.

Hmm... after extracting the files, I still can't seem to open it.

I love the animation for the cat when it starts digging

I don't think I extracted it, lemme try that

For some reason main.exe in the zip folder couldn't be opened... the game looks interesting though!

Thanks for your comment! I thought people might have trouble getting the drag mechanic at first, but unfortunately I didn’t have time to make a proper in-game tutorial (rather than an instructions page). Good note on the music! I’d missed that.

(1 edit)

Ok, thanks!

I feel like I'll have a disadvantage if I don't... but I've never made games with others, and I'd like to publish it on my page (and maybe Google Play) if it's good enough.

nvm I read through the description, I get it now :)

title says it all bb