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A member registered Jan 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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I wanna talk about the trailer... You did a great job building an epic trailer! Not sure if the first 10 seconds should count as part of that trailer, but if the answer is yes, then I would maybe consider that the game concept is being delivered even without the narrated instructions in the beginning. Now, in regards to the gameplay, I like the puzzles and the level design was good! Congrats!

I'm gonna be redundant here but the aesthetic of this game is everything. The in-game interface and the effect were on point and I appreciate the level of detail. I wish I'd played the other levels but great job!

Great job polishing this game! I'm happy to see that you added new scenes and improved movement. Going after the ingredients and solving the puzzle is fun. I would maybe just consider not including icons in the ingredients list... just to add more challenge. After all, is a scape the room, right? But either way, the game is fun! Congrats.

Side tip: maybe consider adding a trigger that is a bit bigger than the cauldron collider to avoid problems with players getting confused with a "bug".

Great job polishing this game! I'm happy to see that you added new scenes and improved movement. Going after the ingredients and solving the puzzle is fun. I would maybe just consider not including icons in the ingredients list... just to add more challenge. After all, is a scape the room, right? But either way, the game is fun! Congrats.

Side tip: maybe consider adding a trigger that is a bit bigger than the cauldron collider to avoid problems with players getting confused with a "bug".

You did a good job setting the tone. Not only because of the jump scares, but the audio in general, which I would say is the most important trait of a horror game.  Also, you've mentioned different endings which I think is interesting even though I couldn't play more than once - too scared for that ahahha.  For future iterations, I guess the UI and font could be polished but I think the game is good! Congrats.

Following the Alignment System, your game would be chaotic good. It's just amazing how you've picked characters that are so different and created an aesthetic of your own. That's really one of my favorite things about this game. The second point I enjoyed is how each level has its own dynamic. It makes jumping, running and fighting never feel the same. Good job! The one thing I would consider is changing the color of the falling platforms on the second level since it's a bit frustrating to fall from a platform that you expected to be static.

It's clear that you've put in a lot of work since the last version. The game looks and feels perfectly consistent right now. Great work! I adore the delicacy of the characters and the universe you've created. The sound design (both effects and soundtrack) definitely voices that as well. 

For future iterations, you might want to revise the level and consider the story you're trying to tell to draw the challenges. For instance, I wonder why did you decide to spawn the characters in the middle of the scene and have a platform to the left and a barrier to the right. For this case-specific case, I would reference Super Mario Bross, where you guide/introduce your player by moving only forward (to the right). If I have two spots in opposite directions, right in the beginning, that might get confusing. Still, I adore your game.

(1 edit)

I love both the visuals and the collaborative aspect of this game. It's fun and it was well executed. You've managed to blend the characters and the scenario majestically. I also like how you introduce the controls in-game, in the beginning, and I appreciate the decision to make a single health bar for the team.  

For a future iteration, I suppose the game would benefit from adding a non-fixed hud that indicates where the goal is (for the level 1), since you don't really know what you're supposed to go before reaching the top. I would also change the particle effects from the items on the top. They are going up, so the player can barely see it. Instead, I would maybe highlight the outline of the item or add some aura to it. After all, those are just details and this game is high-quality enough. 

(2 edits)

I love the aesthetic of this game. It's very Tim Burton-ish. Both levels and characters were well designed and I appreciate the gameplay difference between each of them.

I just have one question: Is this game competitive or are players expected to help each other? If the second option, why did you make the decision of allowing players to progress when their teammates had died? Also, let's say Skelly died in the first round, why did you decide to spawn him back once we advance the level? I suppose this is a trivial question, but it made me wonder.

[I've played the game here, not sure if this is the same build but I'll paste my comment here as well]

Unfortunately, I was not able to pass the first level. I got both keys and the coin but I'm not sure what was supposed to happen after that. Either way, the game made me tense the entire time. The clock ticking builds up the expectation that something is about to happen. The fact that I had 2 lives and I could hear steps sometimes also made me wonder if something was coming after me. Now I'm curious to experience the other levels!

I'm going against what someone else said in the comments but..: I'm not sure the sound design goes well with the concept. From my understanding (which might be wrong) you're trying to tell a story about three souls. But there's a timer in the game and the music/ambiance seems very contemplative. Are you trying to set the mood as "rush" or as "explore and experience"? If the first option is correct, I wonder if getting an ambiance that is creepy but more active would be a better choice.

Also, I'm curious about your decision to have two items in each room but you only need the key to move ahead. Was that intentional?


Bug Report: During my first run I got stuck in a black screen. This happened after I got the key in the first level, crossed the door and/but the game showed me a game over message anyway. 

Bug Report 2: I was able to keep exploring the room in the third level even after the game over sign appeared. 

I'm going against what someone else said in the comments but..: I'm not sure the sound design goes well with the concept. From my understanding (which might be wrong) you're trying to tell a story about three souls. But there's a timer in the game and the music/ambiance seems very contemplative. Are you trying to set the mood as "rush" or as "explore and experience"? If the first option is correct, I wonder if getting an ambiance that is creepy but more active would be a better choice.

Also, I'm curious about your decision to have two items in each room but you only need the key to move ahead. Was that intentional?


Bug Report: During my first run I got stuck in a black screen. This happened after I got the key in the first level, crossed the door and/but the game showed me a game over message anyway. 

Bug Report 2: I was able to keep exploring the room in the third level even after the game over sign appeared. 

Unfortunately, I was not able to pass the first level. I got both keys and the coin but I'm not sure what was supposed to happen after that. Either way, the game made me tense the entire time. The clock ticking builds up the expectation that something is about to happen. The fact that I had 2 lives and I could hear steps sometimes also made me wonder if something was coming after me. Now I'm curious to experience the other levels!

How can one not love a game that makes you feel like an evil cat? This is whimsical at its best! Simple and well thought out. I love the use of post-processing to give the catnip effects and the thoroughness of the sound effects. For future updates, I would appreciate it if the UI was more polished - maybe using symbols instead of long text boxes. It would be especially helpful if we knew the minimum score required as we go. Also, why does a chat needs the key? If I'm evil enough I can break the door lol 

This game is very quirky and whimsical. I appreciate the treasure hunt mechanics. Finding required items in a level full of interactable assets is fun. The level progression is smart. You make it easier in the first level, like a tutorial, and then you add difficulty in the following levels. Nicely done!

For improvements, I would appreciate it if the HUD was more polished, with a good UI for instructions. The shopping card could also be highlighted in the first level once the player picks up the correct item. Finally, it would also be good to have fast-paced music and a skybox in the back. Other than that, this game is perfect! I simply love the aesthetic.