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A member registered Apr 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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no. I still need to add 2048 block merging which might cause some limits for the player

thanks for the kind reply.

Still many features are yet to be implemented. 

yes, the end game is yet to be implemented. For now only the Tetris elements in 2048 grid.

The lines clear when we least expect.

The bricks spawning mindlessly with overlaps.

I think i will work on this concept this year

exactly. there should be some intimation that the level was passed by the player. Otherwise a good game.

Nice game.

to drop object, arrow key needs to be pressed before space bar. the other way should also work to be intuvituve.

Nice game. Well executed.

Regarding the gameplay:

single blocks fit any where, so not a difficult challenge to stack. and the color cheat.

Nice game.

but the symbols are farther apart. May be the math symbols can pop up close by when i press the number?

Hi, Nice Game.
Input can be improved by taking the long press of the arrow key to move several grids than pressing the arrow key several times.

(1 edit)

Like Braid, game rewind for a short duration would be great when stuck.

Nice game!