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A member registered Nov 19, 2018

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Stay healthy and nag some more. You and your mother-in-law have to protect health of your loved ones even if they dont want to XD
To be honest, I forgot about covid at all because in my country we dont wear masks anymore, dont sanitarize hands and so on. Since the beginning of war covid magically disappeared  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Thank you for your regular updates <3 Every Monday I have something positive to look forward ^-^

hi, SweetChiel, love your works <3
We wouldn't know if this mini game is too hard until we try it. i think you should leave it the way you intended, but maybe add a short memo before puzzle. like "hey guys ahead will be important\time-limited feature, maybe you want to save or". it may ruin a bit a surprise effect when player dont expect to solve a puzzle within a limited time, but will be easier for you to create atmosphere you want and for player to see what will happen in both cases (succeed and fail the puzzle).
Hope i conveyed the idea properly <3 English is not my native language, although i understand it perfectly fine, grammar is not my strong suit

My vote goes to F :)

You are amazing :D That's all I wanted to say, yep

Hi, I'm just a foreigner who doesn't speak English well, but I used all my knowledge because I want to write how I liked your games. Only a week ago I found Nusantara games and got so carried away with them that I missed classes at the university lol. But it was DEFINITELY worth it. The world is interesting, the characters are lively (I wrote it right?... well), the stories are interesting, CG and BG are just wonderful :)

 Thanks for your projects