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A member registered Oct 30, 2018 · View creator page →

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i doubt will be ONLY THAT but ok

good luck to all

peace love and eggs

Sorry, im dumb, so... a TTRPG must not be a dungeon crawler, arena-like, hack n slash or anything visual? It must be like a rpg system book? I really didnt get it :c

Thanks for playing. So, actually, the White/blue one at the left, has a "cheat", so its easier to win with him. 

You must touch the box at top and then touch the other box till the MOTH gets too close to the other box that it dies. When it dies, you warn their powers, but to use them you must, again, you must touch the top box to recharge one by one.

Thanks for playing, i really appreciate. I always try to do some philosophical questions, but i dont know if someone gets it.
Wll, in your life, does it seem like you do things, but nothing really changes? Like you are doing something wrong? Do you struggle in a endless battle because your "enemies" have the same kind of power do you have?
Thats cause you are fighting against yourself in front of a mirror.

Thank you for playing and for your comment, next time i'll try to add a lot of stuff like: AI, SFX, soundtrack, a simple narrative and of course a tutorial

Ps: your game is cool, feels like a superhero flying around a cyberpunk city

Should the game be entirely in english?