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A member registered Sep 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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Yeah, agree. Originally, we were planing to style levels more like normal game levels, with the actual goal suitable for a normal game. But we realized that we were running out of time to implement such level design, and also we were not sure what would happen if the player reached the actual goal of the game :D

Did my best to make wheel grip as good as possible with my limited time and understanding of "Vehicle Movement" system in unreal :) Thou I would argue "iciness" makes it more fun to drive :)

(1 edit)

Yes, but we failed to upload the game in time. Here is less laggy video:

Nice to see another person trying to do something in unreal :)

We were thinking about making something similar but with ricochets, but decided against it.

Will you continue working on this project?

Also, have you made it in blueprints, C++ or mixed style?

Have you made gun model yourself?

Very nice! I only wish I had some more control over the blade - maybe if blade could "curve" a little around main character as if they had gravity to them?

Didn't expect this varaety of interesting enemies. Greate job!

I rate this game 98 lives out of 99.

amerond is a cheeky bugger, I'll give him that :)