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Argos Lucien (ele/delu)

A member registered Jul 30, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hey man, didn't know where I could reach you about this, so I'll do it here.

Are you interested in translating the game to Brazilian Portuguese?

hey bud. I'm playing on Windows, so I can't be sure if this'll work, but I found another comment where someone else on Mac complained about another phone bug, and this was another Mac user's response:

"it only happens when full screen as your mac will think you're trying to go to the bar of apps. take it off fullscreen then put it back on fullscreen and that should help the issue as I had the same one : )"

maybe check if it works for your bug too

I saw the responses, so I know you realized your mistake. I would though like to point out: Troll was already being a troll before. Don't blame this guy for it lmao

From what I know, putting a game on Steam is hella expensive. I don't know how this guy's been since this game got some attention, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. At the very least, not until a "full version".

Great game. Made me laugh way too much when I got 4 Izaak's in one day. First a half-dead one, then the real one. Then some people go by, then one doppleganger, then I was like "what happens if the window is already closed when they show up?"... Nothing happened, so I opened the window and it was another Izaak. Gold.

Keep up the good work! Looking forward for new update!

A lot of luck, but a surprising amount of strategy. Great game, bud!
Saw the That's Not My Neighbor and decided to check it out.
This was a jam game, right? That's awesome, dude. Congrats!